Forward in time

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"Howard, are you sure this is a good idea?"
Peggy asked.

"It's the only way Peggy, we could find Captain America and everyone will love us!"
Howard connected the wires and a flash came from the wires.

Howard and Peggy teleported to a bigger, cleaner and modern lab.

"Baby girl, switch my music on for me."
A voice said.

AC/DC's 'Back in Black' started blasting throughout the lab.

"Thanks baby girl."
The voice shouted.

Howard and Peggy covered their ears. How can someone listen to music that loud.

"Boss, there are two people behind you. They seem to be Howard Stark and Agent Margaret 'Peggy' Carter."
A voice in the ceiling said, interrupting the music. The man turned around and saw the time travellers.

"Dad? Aunt Peggy?"



Peggy ran up and hugged Tony.

A young boy ran in wearing a red and blue suit.

"Mr Stark! I got stabbed on patrol and-"
The boy cut himself of when he saw two random people in the lab.

"I can go if you want Mr Stark."

"It's fine kid. This is Peggy and this is Howard. Peggy looked after me most when I was younger and Howard is my ehm father."
Tony explained.

"I thought they were dead?"

"So did I kid, so did I. So please tell me how you guys managed to get here?"

"Boss, there is a problem in the kitchen. Metal arm broke the fridge and Dinner Plate is trying to eat raw cookie dough."

"Kid when did you change the names?"
Tony asked the child.

"When Shuri was here."

"That was a month ago."
Tony deadpanned.

"And. Anyways Bucky is going to kill Steve so we need to go."
The teenager ran out of the lab and into a metal box.

"Uh I guess you guys can follow me."
Tony said.

Tony went into the metal box and the time travellers followed him.

"So who's the voice in the ceiling? And who made it? You couldn't have made it Anthony, you would be to drunk."
Howard remarked.

"Actually, father, I did make FRIDAY. FRI, say hello to Howard and Peggy please."

"Hello Howard, hello Peggy. I have heard much about you Peggy and I thank you for looking after Boss when he was younger."
The AI said.

"You're very welcome Miss Friday. He was quite a rebel when he was younger."
Peggy said.

The metal box pinged and the four stepped out.

There was a man with brown long hair and a metal arm chasing a man with blonde hair holding a bowl full of something.

"Steven Grant Stark-Rogers! I swear to whatever fucking god there is, if you eat another bite of that fucking cookie dough I will fucking kill you and Tony."
The long haired man said.

"This is my cookie dough! Get your own jerk."


"Barnes, Steve, what the hell is happening here?"
Tony said.

"I was trying to make cookies but Stevie kept stealing the bowl and eating the dough."

"Well it's nice! At least this is the only stupid thing I've done."

"Don't think I don't know what happened when you were training, punk. You jumped onto a fucking grenade!"

Peggy asked.

The blonde haired man stopped.


"What is happening?"
Barnes asked.

"Well Howard and Peggy appeared in my lab and then Peter ran in."
Tony said.

"So how did you end up in this century Steve?"
Peggy asked.

"Well when I crashed the plane-Bucky don't give me that look, I didn't know you were still alive- in the water, I froze and then a couple years ago they unfroze me, asked me to fight some aliens, joined the Avengers, found Bucky and fought half my team but made up after it was pointless. Fought a mad Titan, Buck and most of my friends got dusted away then they came back and it turns out I'm worthy of wielding Mjolnir."
Steve finished with a smile.

"Wow, you didn't mention the best day of your life? I am hurt."
Tony said. (I am hurt, I am very much hurt. Get that reference and I will love you for eternity :)(also get that other reference I will honestly love you so much)

"And I married this idiot."
Steve said.

He went over and kissed Tony on the cheek.

"Aw, my two favourite boys. All grown up."
Peggy cooed.

"So Steven, come back to the time of the war. You will be a hero. You will be respected. More than you are here, especially if you married some drunk guy."
Howard sneered.

"I am respected here. Much more than I was during the war. I was just the US army's puppet but here I can actually help people. I save people. I saved more people on the first mission than I did when I was in the war. I have friends here and more importantly, I have family here. So no, I'm not going back to a time where I wasn't respected nor treated right."
Steve ranted.

"And if you talk shit about Tony again, I won't hesitate to throw you out the window. Then I'll get Pete to web you up and then I'll knock you out."
Steve snarled.

"Mr Stank, PeteyBoi is currently bleeding out. I suggest he goes straight to the med-bay."
FRIDAY said.

"Peter! What the frick? How are you bleeding?!"
Tony shouted.

"I got stabbed on patrol. I tried telling that to you but then I noticed the two people in your lab so I decided to wait till later."
Peter started swaying on his feet and Peggy moved to support him.

"Tony dear, I suggest we take this young man into the medical room and get him fixed up."
Peggy said.

"Uh yeah. Steve, can you take him down?"


Steve picked Peter up and stepped into the lift.

"Why aren't you going with your son?"
Peggy asked.

Tony choked on a freshly baked cookie.

"He's not my son Auntie."

"Are you sure? He does look like you."

"At least, I don't think he is."

"Mr Stank, PeteyBoi needs blood donated. You are the closest person with the same type of blood type. I suggest going straight down to the med-bay."
FRIDAY said.

"How? I have a very rare blood type."
Tony asked.

"It turns out you are his father."
FRIDAY said in a Darth Vader voice.

Peggy smirked at Tony and motioned for him to get into the lift.

"Go Tony. Your son needs you."
She kindly said.

So this story was basically crack

—Penguin 🐧

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