Request 2

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This was requested by megannotmeghan and I hope you like it.

The team was in Wakanda. It was something that they did once a month now after the civil war, just so that everyone bonded and there hopefully wouldn't be anymore fights they escalated to wars.


"Hey kid, wanna see my goats?"
Bucky asked Peter.

"Your goats?"
Peter asked.

"Yeah. My goats. I haven't seen them since last month and I miss them."
Bucky said.

Peter said confused and followed Bucky to a hut with a field that had goats in it.

Bucky pointed to a goat that head butted the fence.

"That ones called Stevie."
Bucky said.


"He reminded me of Stevie. He's stupid, runs headfirst into things and will fight anyone."
Bucky said.

"Does Steve know that you named a goat after him?"

"Nah. He's my husband but I ain't telling him that I named a goat after him."
Bucky said, walking towards the goat and Peter followed him.

The goat head butted Bucky's legs and went over to Peter.

"Careful. He will head butt you."
Bucky said but the goat didn't head butt Peter. Just sniffed him and walked away.

"He likes you. He doesn't like anyone."
Bucky said.


The team were at a meeting on the hellicarrier.

A ginger cat walked in, unnoticed by everyone.

"So, word is that HYDRA might be making a comeback. We need all eyes on the ground."
Fury said.

The ginger cat jumped onto the table and everyone apart from Fury jumped.

"Why is there a cat in here?"
Tony asked.

"Goose how did you get in here? It's nap time."
Fury told the cat.

Goose ignored Fury and walked over to Peter.

"How dare you ignore me Goose. I will throw you out."
Fury said.

Goose meowed.

"How dare you raise your voice at me, young flerkin."
Fury said.

Goose meowed again.

"Right, no extra tuna for you."
Fury said.

Peter put a hand up and Goose rubbed against it. (That sounds so wrong.)

"Goose never does that to anyone. Even me!"
Fury said in shock.

"For some reason, animals like me."
Peter said sheepishly.


Natasha walked into the living area holding a black cat.  Everyone looked up at her.

"Why do you have a cat?"
Tony asked.

"I found him on the streets an hour ago. He's perfectly healthy and I adopted him. He's called Liho."
Natasha said, stroking the cat.

The cat looked around and jumped out of Natashas arms and walked over to Peter who was sleeping on the sofa.

Liho jumped on top of Peter's stomach and woke him up.

Peter said.

"Why is there a black cat on my stomach?"
Peter asked, stroking the cat.

"He's called Liho. He's my cat."
Natasha said.

Peter said.


The team were invited to Clint's farm for lunch.

"Hey guys!"
Clint said, when the minibus that could fit everyone in it got there.

Steve said, pulling Bucky out of the jumble that was him, Sam and Tony.

"Auntie Nat!"
Lila Barton shouted and ran and hugged Natasha.

"Hey Lila."
Natasha said.

"How's you and your brothers? Creating lots of trouble for your dad?"
Natasha asked.

"Yeah. We hid his bow and arrows yesterday and he still hasn't found them yet."
Lila said.

"Good job."
Natasha said.

"We've got lots of farm animals so if you see some chickens wandering around just ignore them and please don't feed them."
Clint said.

"Uh Clint?"
Peter asked.


"Why are the animals crowding me?"
Peter asked from the middle of a circle of animals.

"I don't know."
Clint said.

~~~ (mentions of jumping off a bridge)

"Hey Penis Parker? How's your parents? Oh wait, they're dead!"
Flash shouted and started laughing.

Flash pushed Peter hard against the lockers.

"You're such an idiot Parker. Why don't you just jump off a bridge or something?"
Flash sneered.

"What the fuck?"
"Why is there so many animals here?"
"There's horses here. I'm severely allergic. Steph get my medicine!"
Several people said at the same time.

Flash and Peter looked down the corridor and saw the hordes of animals led by Liho and Goose.

"What the fuck?"
Flash shouted.

Goose and Liho attacked Flash and the animals chased Flash as he ran away.

"What was that?"
Ned asked Peter.

"That's the Avengers pets."
Peter said.

Ned and Peter shouted at the same time.

This one was pretty funny and I tried to get Stucky in but it's literally a mention of it.


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