Keeping Up With The Avengers part three

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^^that is actually gonna be on the outside of my house.

"Oh my fucking god Peter! Please shut the fuck up!"
Shuri screeched.

Clint shouted from the vents.

Peter started screeching and Natasha was throwing knives at Scott and Clint.

"Oh my god! Please don't kill me!"
Scott shouted.

Shuri screeched.

Just then Wanda, Vision, Steve, Thor, Tony and Pepper walked in.

"And this is what happens when me, Tony, Wanda, Vision and Pepper leave the room for one minute."
Steve sighed.

"I don't know what is happening. I was just sitting on the sofa, laughing at Clint and then Natasha started throwing knifes at me!"


"He was laughing at my best friend."

"Then why were you throwing knifes at me then?!"

"Because you're my best friend."

"That makes no sense."
Scott muttered then ducked quickly before he could get hit in the face with a knife.


"So the incident in the living area, what started it?"
Louisa asked.

"Scott was laughing at Clint who is my best friend."

"But you were also throwing knifes at Clint. Why?"

"Because he's my best friend. Usually I would be shooting at him but I only had my knives with me."



"So Clint was up in the vents and I was laughing because the vents aren't that big so I was thinking how he looked in the small vents."



"Me and Shuri had sugar and coffee."
Peter said, vibrating out of his seat.


"Hey what's up everyone?"
Spider-Man asked.

"Good morning Spidey, now this is the first time we have had you on this show and we have heard from Mr Stark that you have children. Is this correct?"

"Eh yeah. I have two kids. One called Natalia and one called May."

"Ok. Can we meet them?"


"Ok then. Nice to finally meet you Spidey."

"Yeah, you too Miss Strong."

"I never told you my name."

"Mr Stark told me it."

"Uh huh."

School starts tomorrow and I'm in S2 and soon I'll be in S3 and I chose Nat 5s to do and I was wondering what the fuck I was thinking.


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