A prank and a panic attack

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It was just a harmless prank. Well, that's what Clint and Sam think. Scott was worrying because he joined in and thought that they were getting someone else, not Peter.

I suppose I shall have to go back to the beginning.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, all the Avengers and Guardians minus both Peter's were up. Bruce was in his lab working on a new project and Tony wasn't there as he was at meetings all day. Sam and Clint decided to prank Peter P and roped Scott in too. Scott thought they were getting Peter Q, not Peter P.

Sam put the cling film up and Clint and Scott went into the vents with the flour and water. They waited patiently for Peter P to come through.

After waiting for 10 minutes, their target came stumbling in. Peter P had dark circles under his eyes, he hadn't had a proper good nights sleep for a while due to nightmares. 

Peter first got tangled into the cling film. He struggled about before Clint and Scott threw the flour and water on him.

Peter dropped to the ground.

Peter's POV

The dust was making it hard for me to breathe. The water was pulling me down. My mask- I couldn't pull my mask off. It was stuck to my face.

"Someone! Help me please!"
I shouted.

I knew there was no point in calling for help, Mr Stark doesn't care about me. Why else would he take the suit away.

"Help! Please! Please."
I started crying.

I don't want to die. Not this young anyway.

Hands started grabbing at me. They were pulling me down. I need to get them off me.

3rd persons POV

Everyone started freaking out. One minute Peter was walking into the kitchen, the next he was down on the ground screaming for help.

Everyone was frozen in their place. What happened to him that caused this much trauma.

"Someone call Stark or Pepper, they know how to deal with this. Wilson, Barton, Lang, go away. You guys caused this, you might make it worse."
Natasha was the first one to spring into action.

Natasha and Steve tried to ground Peter but he kept pushing them away.

Tony and Pepper came running in.

"What happened to him?"
Tony asked.

"The three idiots decided to prank Peter. They put cling film up and threw flour and water on him."
Gamora said.

"Move out of the way."
Tony said.

Natasha, Gamora and Steve stepped out of the way and Tony took over.

"Hey Peter. It's me Tony. You're in the Tower with all the Avengers."
Tony tried.

Peter's POV

There was talking. Muffled talking but there was still talking.

"-Tower with all the Avengers."
Was all I heard.

'Whose voice is that?'
I thought.

'Natasha? Nah too low pitched.'
'Steve's? Possibly.'
'Scott? Nah his voice is too high.'
'Mr Stark? That's it! It's Mr Stark'
I thought.

I tried opening my eyes but something was covering. I moved my hands up to them and this plastic is covering them.

'Cling film!'
I thought.

I ripped it off. I tried opening my eyes and there was something bright shining in my eyes.

I muttered.

3rd POV

"FRIDAY, turn the lights down please."
Steve said.

FRIDAY turned the lights down.

Peter opened his eyes fully.

"Wh-what happened?"
He asked.

"The three idiots decided to prank you."
Tony said.

Peter noticed his appearance. He was covered in flour, water and cling film.

"Where are they?"
He asked.

"In the living room."
Gamora said.

Peter jumped up and sprinted into the living room. Very manly shrieks were heard from the living room.

Just an idea.

I just realised, I never put Bruce into 'The wedding' and I feel so bad now


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