The Raft

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So it's basically the end of C.A. CW but Steve didn't get the Rogues out of the raft and he got imprisoned (that is a long word and I am proud of myself for managing to spell it). Bucky and Natasha are also on the Raft.

Thor and Bruce came back and took Loki and Valkyrie with them.

T'Challa's father wasn't killed in that bomb attack, just severely hurt and he couldn't be Black Panther again so he passed it down to T'Challa. T'Challa was mad at Bucky for hurting his father.

Peter was just swinging around Queens stopping crime and waving to his fans when it was quiet.

He heard a man scream a few minutes later and he swung towards the alley that KAREN told him to go to.

A man was lying on the ground and another man was holding a gun to his head.

"Ah Spider-Man, so nice of you to join us."
The man with a gun snarled.

The man on the floor jumped up and hit Peter with a tranquilliser dart.

The tranquilliser must have been made for Captain America in mind because it worked quicker than a normal one would have.

The two men dragged Peter to a white van parked next to the alley and threw him in the back.


The Rogues were all awake and alert. They were told that someone would be joining them and they wondered who it could be.

They were surprised when the guards dragged a male teenager into the empty cell.

The boy was in a straight jacket like Wanda but it seemed to have been made with Vibranium and he also had a shock collar on as well.

About five minutes after being dragged into the cell, Peter woke up.

He looked around frightened. He tried to move his arms but the Vibranium straight jacket was keeping them in place.

He stood up and ran full force into the wall in hopes of trying to get his arms out but there wasn't even a scratch on it.

The boy got shocked and collapsed onto the floor.

The Rogues stood watching the boy do all this feeling helpless.

Wanda knew what the boy was going through as she went through something similar.

The boy started shaking and his breathing quickened.

Bucky widened his eyes. He knew what was happening to the boy. He was having a panic attack.

"Hey kid, it's all right. Can you tell me what you see?"
He spoke loud enough so that the boy could hear him and not deafen him in case he had super or sensitive hearing. The others stared at him, they haven't heard him speak since they got there.

"I can see dust. Claws. A dead body. A collapsed warehouse. A man in a metal suit."

"Try again. Anything else you can see?"

"A-a glass wall. People. Th-the Avengers."
The boy said.

"Good that's good. Are you feeling better?"
Bucky asked.


"Do you mind telling us your name?"
Bucky inquired.

"My-my name is Peter. Where-where am I?"

"You're at the Raft. It's a floating prison basically. How old are you, Peter?"

"I'm-I'm sixteen."

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