Oh shit, there's a spider

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Based on what happened to me and my brother like 5 minutes ago but it's with Shuri and Peter but they are dating. Stucky and PeterxShuri. Peter is me and my brother is Shuri. Me and my brother aren't dating, it was just an idea that came into my head once I got the spider out of our room.

"Oh shit."
Peter said.

Peter just came in from the bathroom after getting changed before he noticed a spider on the wall.

He let out a totally manly scream and his girlfriend, Shuri, asked him why he was screaming.

"There is a big fucking spider on the fucking wall."

Peter stood up on the bed and climbed up the wall. (I obviously didn't climb up the wall, I just stood on my bed)

"Pass me that glass."
Peter asked Shuri.

Shuri handed Peter the glass and he put the glass over the spider but the spider jumped out of the way.

"Oh my fucking god. It fucking jumped we are all going to fucking die."
Peter started panicking.

Peter put the glass over the spider and calmed down slightly.

"Peter it's out of the glass, it's on your hand!"
Shuri lied.

Peter screamed then noticed that it was still in the glass.

"I hate you."

"Nah you love me to much."

"True. Now pass me a piece of paper."

Shuri handed him a notebook.

"No, that's got my Russian translations in it. I'm not getting spider juice on it."
(I'm learning Russian peeps, it is going terrible)

Shuri took a piece of paper from his school bag.

"No, I need that for school!"

"Then just do what Steve did earlier and use your hand."
(My dad did that for another spider that was in our room.)

"Fuck no!"

Steve came into the room with Bucky by his side.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! Stop swearing!"

"But there's a huge fucking spider in the fucking room and we are all going to fucking die."

Steve left the room with his eyes wide open in shock.

"I think you killed him with all your swearing."
Shuri said.

"Not helping babe."

Peter put the cup on the ceiling.

"Shuri open the fucking window."


"Just do it."

Shuri took her time opening the window but eventually got it open. Peter walked over to the window after dropping to the floor.

He shook the spider out of the glass and it walked out.

"It's coming back in it's coming back in!"
Shuri started screaming.

Peter quickly closed the window.

"It's either trapped outside or squished."


"That was fucking scary."
Peter said.


That happened to me and my brother, I was swearing my head off and my brother was getting paranoid and scaring me slightly. Also I am actually learning Russian. I started learning it this morning but I haven't learnt very much.


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