Don't bully Peter

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Part 2 to Loki and Bucky meeting for the first time. Also this has 'WinterFrost' which I think is cute

Peters school day had just finished. He wasn't bothered by Flash all day but he knew that was going to be over as soon as he stepped out of the building. But Peter didn't even manage to get out of the building.

"Hey, Penis Parker!"
A voice called out.

"What do you want Flash?"
He asked.

His uncles, Loki and Bucky, were picking him up from school so he really didn't have time for this.
Flash dragged him into an empty classroom and rolled his sleeves up.

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson."
Flash snarled.

He punched Peter in the face, breaking his nose and giving him a burst lip. He then pushed Peter onto the floor and started kicking him in the stomach, breaking a few ribs.

"You're all alone Parker. Your parents didn't want you, neither did your Aunt or your Uncle!"
Flash growled.

Just then the door flew open and the God of mischief and the Winter Soldier were standing in the door way.

"Get your paws of him now if you don't want to die."
Loki calmly said.

"Hah why should I. He's just a poor boy."

A burst of green magic flew out of Loki's hands and found their way to Flash's middle and yanked him away from Peter.
Bucky punched Flash in the face with his metal arm and knocked him out.

"Peter are you all right?"
Loki asked, concern leaking through his voice.

All Peter could do was grunt in pain then passed out.

"Come on Kid. Let's get you back to the tower."
Bucky said.

Bucky lifted Peter up and placed him carefully into the car that Tony made them take.

They made it to the compound in record time and rushed to the Med Bay where they found Bruce.

Bucky said quickly but Bruce managed to understand what he was saying.

Bruce reseted Peters nose and moved his ribs into the correct position so that they don't heal the wrong way.

"He should wake up soon."
Bruce said.

"Well I suppose we will have to tell Tin Can."
Loki said and Bucky nodded.

Just then Tony came running into the Med Bay.

"What the fuck happened to Peter?"
Tony asked the two.

"He was getting beaten up but he wasn't fighting back, I used my magic and grabbed the boy and Bucky knocked him out. Peter fainted and we took him straight here."
Loki said after having a silent conversation with Bucky.


Tony sat down on the seat next to Peters bed and Loki sat on Bucky's lap with his arms around his waist.

Peter woke up quickly and started smiling.

"Hi dad, hi uncle Loki, hi uncle Bucky."
Peter said quietly.

"Why haven't you told us that you have been getting bullied?"
Tony asked.

"I didn't want you to hurt him. I've seen his home life and it's bad and he only bullies me to get attention."
He mumbled.

"You are too pure for this world. Stark why can't I take him to Asgard?"
Loki asked.

"Because he's only 15!"
Tony shouted at Loki.

"Hey, don't shout at my Lo-Lo."
Bucky said, pulling Loki in closer.

Peter sneaked out of the room and into the living area where he met Natasha and Clint.

"Hi mama spider, hi uncle Clint!"
(Italics is Russian.)
Natasha smiles whilst Clint looked confused.

"Hello my baby spider, why am I just hearing now that you are getting bullied and you were in the Med-Bay?"
Natasha asked.

"I'm sorry mama, it's just I've seen his home life and it's not good and he only does it to get popular. Don't hurt him."
Peter begged.

"You are far too pure for this world. Why doesn't Stark let Loki take you to Asgard?"

"I don't know. I want to go cos I've seen pictures of it and it looks so beautiful. Also it might be that fact that Loki tried to take over the world and killed 80 people in 2 days."


"Can you guys speak English so I can understand you?"
Clint asked.

"Hey Mama, do you want to play a prank on Clint?"
Peter asked while glaring at Clint.

"Sure Petey. What do you want to have for dinner?"
Natasha said whilst also glaring at Clint.

"Pizza. I like pizza and we haven't had it in ages. Have you been on any missions lately Mama?"

"No. How's patrol? Any new villains?"

"No. The Vulture has escaped from prison though so I need to keep a lookout for him so all I've been doing is just helping the little people. Mama do you want to go spar? My ribs are all healed up now?"

"Let's go."

Both spiders left the room and Clint looked scared.

Tony, Bucky and Loki walked in and seen Clint's scared look.

"Why do you look scared Clint?"
Tony asked.

"Because I think Nat and Pete are going to kill me. They were speaking Russian while glaring at me."

"FRIDAY, play the recording from this room. From when Peter started talking in Russian."

FRIDAY played the recording and Bucky started laughing.

"They, they aren't planning on killing you. They were talking about what to have for dinner, if Nat's been on any missions, how Peter was doing on his patrols and they went down to train."
Bucky said after calming down slightly.

"They were?!"

Bucky nodded.

"I'm gonna prank them."
Clint muttered before going into the vents.

Blam. This is part 2 and sorry for it being so late :(


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