The day Midtown High found out who Spider-Man is

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Tw: school shooting

It was an ordinary day for Peter, well as ordinary as it could be when you have heightened senses, when he heard the clicking of a gun. He looked around to see if anyone else had heard it but then Peter realised that he was the only one with heightened senses.

Suddenly the door swung open and stood a boy who was about the same height and build as Flash and Peter realised something. Flash wasn't in school.

"I want everyone to the hall now or I will shoot. I'm not afraid to."
The boy told them. Even though they could tell that he was afraid, no one challenged him.

Peter managed to slip into an empty bathroom and put his suit on without anyone noticing him leaving. He sneaked to the hall where he knew where the gunman was and crawled down the wall.

"Hey there gun guy. Would you mind putting down the gun so no one gets hurt?"
I asked nicely.

"No. I'm gonna kill you and everyone in this room. Starting with you."
The gunman snarled.

The gunman shot the gun at Peter 3 times in the stomach.

"H-hey. Th-that wasn't very n-nice. H-how about, you t-take your m-mask off and I'll t-take my m-mask off. D-deal?" Peter managed to cough out.


The gunman took his mask off and revealed a shaken up Flash.

"Now it's your turn."
Flash said

Peter said.


I took the mask off and heard Flash gasp. In his shock, he dropped the gun and I webbed him and the gun up. I turned round to see if anyone got hurt in the time it took me to get changed but everyone was stood there with the same amount of shock as Flash had on his face.

"P-Peter Parker is Spider-Man!"

I slowly smiled then coughed up blood.

"Are you all right Spid-Peter?"
MJ asked.

"No. I've been grazed by bullets before but I've never been shot before. I need to get my suit off and take the bullets out. Ned have you got the first aid kit?"

"Yeah, I always carry it around with me."
Ned replied.

"Good pass it over."
I told him.

He handed it over and I took my suit off by pressing the spider on my chest. The suit fell of me and I sat down on the floor and opened the first aid kit.

I took a pair of tweezers out and took the 3 bullets out. I then stitched up the holes and wrapped it up with a bandage. I lied back down on the floor, exhausted with what has happened.

"Ned, do you have the special pills?"
I asked. I really needed to start carrying this stuff.

"No I only have normal pills. Sorry."

"Pass them over please." 
I asked kindly.

I got the bottle from Ned, opened it up and swallowed all the pills.

"Peter what the fuck? Are you trying to kill yourself or something?"
Cindy asked.

"No. I have a fast metabolism. Normal pills don't work so I need special pills. Those pills won't work for as long as my usual pills."
I explained.

"I'm gonna call Mr Stark."
Ned said

"Ok. 'M gonna sleep. 'M tired."
I said sleepily. 

3rd POV

Peter was fast asleep by the time Mr Stark got to the school so he just picked him up and flew of to the tower.

2 days later

Peter opened his eyes slightly. The bright lights burning his eyes.

"H-hey FRIDAY?"

"Yes Peter"

"Could you please turn the lights down slightly."

"Of course Peter"
The AI replied.

The lights dimmed down until he could barely see.

"Would you like me to alert Mr Stark that you are awake?"

"Yes please FRIDAY."

FRIDAY alerted Mr Stark who was in his lab. Mr Stark came bursting through the door.

"Oh thank Thor you're awake. You've been out for 2 days and I was getting worried that you weren't going to wake up."

"I think I'm fine but what am I going to do about school? The whole school knows I'm Spider-Man!"
He exclaimed.

"Kid, relax. I made them sign waivers so if they told anyone else, they would get sued."
Peter seemed to calm down after that.


A few hours later

Peter was getting ready to go back to school again. He was getting worried and scared that people would treat him differently and would try and be his friend.

He walked into the school. Everyone stopped in their tracks and stared at him.

"Hey Peter. I just want to say thanks, you saved my older sister from being raped and you walked her home."
A girl who was in the year below him said.

"It was no problem. Someone has to look out for the little guy."
Peter said.

MJ and Ned walked up to Peter.

"If any of you fuckers try and befriend him after you bullied him then you can fuck off!"
MJ shouted to the school.

Ned nodded in agreement and Peter hit his head against the lockers.

"Guys please just stop."

Everything was normal until his first class. Everyone wanted to ask him questions and the teacher couldn't get the lesson started.

With a sigh, the teacher called Peter up to the front of the class.

"Seeing as I can't teach you guys, you can ask Peter questions about Spider-Man."
The teacher said tiredly.

"How did you get powers?"
Sally asked.

"You remember the field trip to Oscorp?"
Peter asked the class who nodded.

"Well one of the spiders that escaped bit me and I became Spider-Man."

The questions continued all day and Peter happily answered them. He didn't get annoyed by anyone and it was a good day.

This was in my drafts for a while and I just had an idea so here you guys go.


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