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This has PeterxFlash so if you don't like it you don't have to read. I've actually started liking this ship now I don't know why but it's a nice change.
This Soulmate AU is where you can feel your soulmates pain. The only way to know if you actually are soulmates is if you kiss. If you are able to kiss, you are soulmates, if you get repelled then you aren't soulmates.

It was a normal Friday for Flash. Wake up, go to school, beat Parker up and go home.

But when he pulled Peter into the alley, he felt a burning pain in the side of his stomach where he had just kicked Peter.

"P-Peter. Punch me or kick me or something. Please?"
Flash asked.

Peter looked weirded out by it but nipped his arm. Peter felt the pain but he didn't get nipped.

"Are-are we soulmates?"
Peter asked after a while.

"I-I don't know. Maybe. The only way to know is this."
Flash said before grabbing Peter's face and kissing him on the lips.

Peter seemed shocked at first but soon leaned into the kiss. He put his arms around Flash's neck and Flash put his arms around Peter's waist. They parted soon as they both needed to breathe. They both leaned into each other after they parted, neither of them wanting to let the other go.

"I've just got one question for you."
Flash said.


"What do you do that makes you hurt so much? Like on Homecoming, it felt like a building was crushing me."

"Well, I'm Spider-Man."
Peter said.

"I'm dating Spider-Man. That is if you want to date."
Flash said quickly.

Peter pulled Flash into another kiss, this time both of them were expecting it and it lasted longer than the other.

"Does that answer your question?"
Peter asked breathlessly.

Flash breathed heavily.

"What about school? We can't just go from enemies to lovers, people might bully us for being gay as well."
Flash asked worriedly.

"Fuck them. They don't matter. All that matters right now is us."
Peter said.

Flash liked this side of Peter. He was more dominant and it made Flash excited. Peter started kissing Flash more hungrily than before.

Peter left Flash's lips and started kissing down his neck, occasionally nibbling here and there. Flash was moaning quietly.

"We can't do it here. Do you want to go to my place or yours?"
Flash asked.

"I've got a free house. My aunt is working late tonight and won't be home til late tomorrow."
Peter winked.

Flash nodded and Peter pulled them out of the alley and to his apartment. Peter opened the door and led Flash to his room.

Flash pushed Peter onto the bed, straddled him and started kissing him. He licked Peter's bottom lip, Peter opened his mouth slightly and Flash shoved his tongue in. Flash pulled away as he needed to breathe but then started sucking on the side of Peter's neck.

He soon stopped and he lied down next to Peter.

"That was amazing Flash."
Peter said.

"Thanks. You're probably the only person to complement me."
Flash said.

"What do you mean? People complement you all the time at school."
Peter asked.

"Nah, it's fake. The girls only say it to get into my pants and the boys only say it to get more popular."
Flash explained.

"I love you Flash."

"I love you Peter."

Peter pulled Flash into another kiss before starting to fall asleep.

Peter said sleepily.

Flash returned whilst cuddling up to him.

They both fell asleep next to each other.

Please don't kill me. This ship is cute and it might be my new OTP. I'm probably going to do a part 2 where people find out and shit.


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