Saving the decathlon team

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Peter aka Spider-Man was just swinging around Queens when he seen his Decathlon team getting shoved onto a helicopter. So he obviously had to go save them even though Flash was there.

The helicopter flew into the sky and off towards the sea and Peter knew he had to get his team back.

"Hey, uglies. Why do you want a bunch of kids and a teacher? It doesn't make sense unless you're a creep? Are you a creep?"

Peter flung a web at the propellers and it crashed onto a small island far from the city.
He managed to get his team to safety but the helicopter exploded so he couldn't get the men out. 

Peter went back to the team and asked for their names. Of course he already knew them but he couldn't let his secret out.
"I'm Betty."
"I'm Cindy"
"I'm Sally"
"I'm Ned"
"I'm Eugene but everyone calls me Flash"
"I'm MJ"
"I'm Abe"
"And I'm their teacher, Mr Harrington."
"Cool so I'm Spider-Man and we need to create a shelter and a fire. So MJ, Cindy, Flash and Ned you guys can go collect firewood and Sally, Mr Harrington, Betty and Abe you guys can help me create a shelter."

MJ, Cindy, Flash and Ned came back after about 20 minutes with lots of firewood.
The shelter was built with Peters webs holding it all together.

"So, I just want to tell you that after today to go and get help. Tell someone what happened here. Don't bottle it up. The trauma can get to you. I have nightmares and panic attacks. So get help. Even if it's just telling each other it will help trust me."

The class looked at Peter and nodded.
"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of trauma did you go through?"
Abe asked him.
"Well, when I was 5 my parents died in a plane crash. My Uncle died when someone shot him, I witnessed his death. I was trapped under a warehouse that was not fun. And"
Peter shuddered
"And my Aunt"
Peter started to choke on his words.
"My Aunt di-died by a b-bullet to the head. By- by one of Adrian Toomes men. It was scary. I was also threatened by him."

Flash looked thoughtful for a minute before saying
"That sounds like what happened to this kid in our team. He was supposed to be at this meet but now I'm glad he isn't. I don't want that to add onto his stress."

"Well, uh we should get some sleep. It's getting dark and cold so we will need to sleep together if that's all right. Body warmth is good."

**skip of the time**

The team woke up to vomiting and crying and seen that Peter wasn't there.
MJ saw him over by the entrance of the shelter and went up to him.
"Are you all right Peter?"
"Ugh just-just a nightmare"
"What off?"
"My Mum, Dad, Uncle Ben and Aunt May. They-they were saying that their deaths were-were my fault."
"It's all right. It's all right. Their deaths wasn't your fault. They would be proud of you."
"Ye-yeah I gu-guess th-they would be"
"Come on lets go back to the group. Abe and Sally are putting the fire on."

Peter forgot that his mask wasn't on and helped his fellow class mates with the fire.
Once the fire was started he heard some gasps.

"What's wrong is everything all right?"

"Yo-you're Spider-Man? I can't believe it."

Peter looked confused then he noticed Ned was holding his mask.
"Oh shit"

"Oh my god, you went through so much. Peter what the fuck?"
Sally asked

"Well as much as the excitement of finding out that Peter is Spider-Man, I would like to remind youse to watch your language."
Mr Harrington warned them.

"You sound so much like Capsicle."
Peter said

"Who's Capsicle?"
Mr Harrington asked

"Captain America."
Peter said as if it was normal

"You know Captain America?!"
Abe shouted

"Yeah and keep it down a bit, after nightmares my senses are usually a bit haywire."

"Oh sorry."

"It's fine."

Just then 'Iron Man, Iron Man, does whatever an iron can. ' started playing.

"Ned, pass my mask please."

Ned did what Peter told him too and Peter slipped the mask on.

"Kid, why is FRIDAY saying that you've been stuck on an island?"
Tony said with a look that said 'tell me now or I'll take your suit again'.

"Uhm, heyy Mr Stark. I kinda had to save my decathlon team and now we are stuck in an island and I couldn't call you and the phones were wrecked. I couldn't get any connection for KAREN to contact you or the other Avengers and the team kinda know that I'm Spider-Man."
Peter explained then finished with a nervous giggle.

Mr Stark didn't look impressed.
"I'm sending a plane to get you and the team. It should be there in about 20 minutes."

"Thank you Mr Stark!"
Peter beamed at him

Tony ended the call and Peter took his mask off.

"So good news is that Mr Stark is sending a plane and it should be here in about 20 minutes. Bad news is that this will most likely be that last time you see me."

"How will it be the last time we see you?"
Cindy asked, slightly confused.

"Mr Stark is gonna ground me so bad that I won't be out of the tower until I'm 20."

The team and Mr Harrington were talking until a plane landed not to far away from them. An angry Mr Stark walked down from the plane.

Tony shouted at Peter

"Oh shit. It was the full name. I'm gonna die."
Peter mumbled under his breath.


"Hey, that's not fair. I had to save my team!"

"Hello Peters decathlon team. I hope you guys will excuse my behaviour but it seems like a certain spiderling wants to get grounded."
Mr Stark told the team with his paparazzi smile.

"Hey, I don't want to get grounded."
Peter shot back.

"You're grounded for a month. Now let's get you guys home."

The team and Peter got onto the plane and flew back to New York.

I'm definitely doing a part 2 to this story but I decided to finish it here cos I have no idea what to do with this part of the story. Also sorry for not updating in like a month but I have a shit tonne of homework and I was off school yesterday and today cos I'm sick so that's fun. But I have like 7 drafts so you guys should be getting at least 1 on the weekend maybe even 2 so yeah.


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