Tony adopts a bunch of kids. (Request)

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Got a request for this! I had a bit of fun for this. Nebula is gender neutral. I can't find the notification for the request because I got 69 notifications this morning (hehe) and I can't remember who asked for it but here you go.

The Rogue Avengers were pardoned and returning to the Tower for the first time in one year and nine months and in that time, Tony managed to adopt three children and a space child.


"Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark-Banner! Get down from the ceiling! You are meant to be setting an example to Morgan and Harley! And Nebula, stop eating the raw cookie dough! You will die!"
Was the first thing that the Rogues heard from the common area.

"Bruce! Stop laughing and help me, they are your kids as well!"
Tony shouted at the giggling scientist.

"Pete, I think you need to come down from the ceiling unless you want Tony to have a heart attack."
Bruce said quietly.

"Wait, Tony Stark-Banner has a heart?! I never knew that!"
Peter said in mock surprise.

Harley and Morgan fell from where they were sitting on the counter and Nebula choked on the cookie dough. (Can alien robots even choke on cookie dough? Can they even eat?)

"Oh my gods I give up!"
Tony sighed.

"I give up!"

The Rogues walked in to see Tony wielding a broom, Bruce laughing in the corner, a young child and a teenager on the floor, a blue alien choking on cookie dough and a teenager on the ceiling.

"What's happening here?"
Clint said.

"Oh, hey Clint how you doing?"
Tony asked. Clint, James (He doesn't like being called Bucky, brings back memories about HYDRA) and Wanda were the only ones who apologised before they were asked so they were all on good terms.

"Alright, kids are driving me up the wall but what else is new."

"Oh I hear ya."

"What is happening?"
Steve said.

"Well these are my children, Harley who is 13, Morgan who is 9, Nebula who is, I don't know how old they are and Peter who is 16."
Tony introduced the children.

"Tony you know fine I am 20."
Nebula said after recovering from choking on the cookie dough.

"Well then Nebula is 20."

"Hey Pete, you giving your dad grey hairs yet?"
Clint asked mischievously which resulted in him getting hit on the head with the broom.


"Peter. Down now."
Tony commanded and the teen listened.


"Well, why are you guys here?"

"We got pardoned and forced to live here."
Sam said.

"That's today? I thought that was tomorrow!"

"No it's today."
Natasha said.

"How is Rhodey."
The redhead asked.

"Fine, made a brace for him so he could get back to the Air Force."
Tony said, still upset that the woman helped the other side.

"Well this is awkward."
Peter mumbled to Nebula who snorted.

"Well, I'll take you guys to your rooms. Some of you will have to share because the rooms aren't ready yet."
Bruce said, leading the others to where everyone's room is apart from his and Tony's and left Clint behind.

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