23. Bleeding Out

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Peter clutched the wound on the side of his torso. It was a large wound, the largest he ever got.

"Mr Stark?"
Peter gasped out.

"What is it kid? I'm kinda in the middle of something?"
Tony asked, shooting the aliens away.

"Never mind, I'm fine."
Peter lied, and collapsed onto the broken ground.

Peter lied down, still clutching the wound and never told anyone, no matter how sore it got.

Peter closed his eyes. And never opened them.

He shakily breathed out. And never breathed back in.

He moved his arm slightly. And never moved again.


"Has anyone got eyes on Peter?"
Tony asked, looking around for the young adult.

"I haven't seen him."
Everyone said.

"FRI, scan for Peter Parker."
Tony said.

"Scan complete. He is about twenty steps to the right of you Boss."
FRIDAY said.

"FRI, that's impossible, I would have seen him."

"Try looking down Boss."
FRIDAY said.

Tony looked down and his eyes widened.

His kid was lying on the ground, blood everywhere.

"FRIDAY find a pulse now!"
Tony rushed towards the body.

"I'm afraid there's no pulse Boss. Peter has been dead for ten minutes."

"What? Ten minutes? Why didn't he say anything?"

"He did but you said 'What is it kid? I'm kinda in the middle of something' and he never told anyone else."

"What about his AI? Why didn't she alert me?"
Tiny asked.

"Mr Parker has disabled Baby Spider protocol. And the majority of the protocols that alert you if anything happens."

"Tony? What happened?"
Steve asked after talking to the first responders.

"He's gone. I lost the kid Steve."

Steve didn't say anything, just walked over and put an arm around Tony.

"I'm sorry Tones. I'm sure he's happy in heaven."

All of the Avengers walked towards Tony and Steve.

Natasha placed a hand on Tony's shoulder and kneeled down in respect.

Everyone copied her, mourning for the lost hero.


"Daddy? Who's Peter Parker?"
5 year old Morgan Stark asked.

"Well Morgan, Peter Parker was your older brother but something happened and he went away."

"Will he ever come back?"

"I'm afraid not Maguna but we can visit somewhere that lets him know that we miss him."
Tony said.

"Really Daddy?"

"Yeah. Come on baby let's go."


"Hey kid. Long time no see huh? It's been five years kid and we all miss you. Mays doing good and so is Queens, we all do our bit and look after the place. I also brought along a special person who wanted to meet you."

"Hey Peter. I'm Morgan, your little sister. I love you 3001! And that's one more than Daddy."
Morgan placed a little Spider-Man stuffy in front of the grave.

"Daddy told me that you were a hero, but you were the best hero ever because you looked after everyone and not just important people. I wanna be like you when I'm older. Bye Peter, you're the best brother ever."
Morgan said.

"Bye kid. I'm sorry I didn't answer you. I Larb you ki-Peter."

As the two were leaving the cemetery, they ran into MJ, Ned and Peter and MJs son.

MJ had found out that she was pregnant seconds before she got the message that Peter had died.

She nearly lost the child but thankfully she pulled through and gave birth to Peter Anthony Parker-Jones.

Tony said.

"Hey Stark."
MJ said.

"Hi Mr Stark."
Ned said.

It was getting awkward so Tony decided to leave.

Tony said.

The two adults nodded and went up to Peter's grave.

"Say hi to Daddy Peter."
MJ told her son.

"Hi Daddy. I'm getting big! Mama said that I'm not allowed to tell anyone that I got your powers because they might take me away but I'm gonna be just like you when I'm older!"
Tony heard before getting into his car and driving off.



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