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"Ho ho ho motherfuckers!"
Peter screeched.

Everyone in the halls stared at him.

MJ banged her head against a locker and Ned looked embarrassed.

Now you see, Peter is a major Christmas fan. He loves it more than he loves being Spider-Man and he loves being Spider-Man a huge amount.

MJ dragged Peter and Ned to their next class, which is thankfully their last class of the school year. Sadly it was History which they all hated but their teacher is good craic.

"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!"
Their teacher, Mr Parker said.

Peter screeched even louder.

Having these two in the same room near Christmas time was a bad idea.

'All I want for Christmas' started playing from the computer and everyone groaned. This song was played far too much.

But Peter and Mr Parker started screaming it.

Hearing it everywhere was bad enough but hearing two men singing it out of tune was even worse.

"aLl I wAnT fOr ChRiStMaS iS yOu!"
Peter and Mr Parker warbled together.

MJ banged her head against the desk.

"Please just fucking kill me now."
She muttered.

The class were tortured by horrible singing for 50 minutes before a tannoy saved them.

"Merry Christmas everyone! It has been a wonderful year and I hope youse all have an amazing Christmas holiday and a happy new year!"
The principle, Mr Morita said.

"Now as most of you know, we play a Christmas song so hope you all enjoy it!"

'All I want for Christmas' started playing and MJ full on sprinted out of the class.

Merry Christmas motherfuckers, hope youse all enjoy your holidays. Is anyone going away for Christmas? I'm staying at home and my granny and my sisters boyfriend are coming over for Christmas dinner.


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