24. Secret Injury

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Peter walked into the compound slightly limping. He got stabbed on patrol and didn't tell anyone, not wanting anyone to get worried.

He stepped into the lift and the AI greeted him.

"Good afternoon Mr Parker, Mr Stark is in his lab. You seem to be injured, would you like to go to the Med-Bay?"
FRIDAY asked.

"I'm ok FRI, just take me to Mr Starks lab please."
Peter said, even though FRIDAY didn't have emotions, he still treated her like a human.

"Ok Mr Parker."
The lift moved up towards the lab.

The doors opened and Peter stepped out.

"Thanks FRI."

"No problem Mr Parker."
The AI said.

Peter opened the door to the lab and ducked behind a cabinet so that he didn't get blasted.

"Mr Stark! It's just me! It's Peter Parker!"
Peter shouted.

"Oh Jesus kid. I thought you were an intruder or something."
Tony said, dropping the Iron Man hand on the table.

"Did I injure you?"
Tony asked.

"You didn't Mr Stark."
Peter said, brushing off the dust from behind the cabinet.

"That's good. Now come here, I've got an idea for a new improvement to your suit."
Tony said.

Peter went over to Tony and forgot all about the stab wound.


After around 3 hours in the lab, the two decided to go up and join the others in watching a movie.


Sam nudged Clint when he noticed something.

Clint asked.

Sam just pointed to Peter.

"I don't understand?" (Me with everything.) Clint said.

"He's got blood running down his leg. I think it's that time of the month."
Sam said.

"If it is, I'm getting the fuck out of here."
Clint said.

Natasha overheard the entire conversation.

"Baby Spider, come with me to get some more snacks."
She said.

"Ok Mama Spider."
Peter got up from the sofa and followed Natasha into the kitchen.

"Do you know that you're bleeding?"
Natasha asked.

Peter asked.

"There's blood running down your leg."

Peter looked down and swore.

"Language. What happened?"
Natasha asked.

"I got stabbed on patrol. Didn't want to bother anyone so I didn't tell anyone."

"Let's go down to the Med-Bay and get that patched up."
Natasha dragged the teenager to the Med-Bay to get the wound patched up.

Lmao, my guidance teacher emailed me some weird ass shit about if I'm struggling with learning online. Of course I'm fucking struggling!


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