Alex returns again

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So Peter and MJs son Alex from the non-angst one shot is 4 years old!

"Dad Dad Dad Dad!"
Four year old Alex chanted when Peter came into his room.

"Hey bud. Did you sleep well?"
Peter asked, lifting the boy up.

"I did Dad. I dreamt that I was a superhero and I was helping you and grandpa and Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky and Auntie Tasha and Auntie Shuwi and Auntie Wanda and Uncle Viz and Uncle Cwint and Uncle Sam and Uncle Thor and Uncle Bwuce and Uncle Whodey!"
Alex said excitedly.

"That sounds like an awesome dream Alex. Now, what do you want for breakfast? I'm in charge since Mama has an appointment."
Peter sat the four year old onto a chair, making sure the toddler was safe.

"Pancakes! With jam and chocolate spread!"
Alex excitedly said. (It's delicious by the way)

"You got it kid."
Peter ruffled Alex's extra curly hair and washed his hands before getting the ingredients and equipment out.


"Three pancakes with chocolate spread and jam!"
Peter said and put the plate in front of Alex.

"Thanks Dad!"
The toddler said and grabbed a pancake with his hands.

Peter chuckled and ate his own pancakes neatly.


"Come on, bath time."
Peter said once Alex finished.

"No bath!"
Alex said.

"But you're all dirty."

"Baths are mean!"

"No they aren't Alex. Baths are super fun! You can have loads of bubbles!"


"Yeah! Loads of bubbles in your bath eh? Does that sound good?"
Peter asked.


Peter grinned and picked Alex up.


One very bubbly bath later, Alex was clean and had shorts and a shirt on.

"Dad can we go and see Grandpa?"
Alex asked.

"He's in a meeting with everyone else. I'm not sure when they'll get out bud."
Peter said.

"Aw. Can we watch Paw Patrol?"

Peter switched Paw Patrol on and laid Alex on his chest like he used to do when he was younger.


MJ walked out of the lift exhausted. She had these appointments with her parents to help them 'reconnect' but all they were doing was just making their relationship worse.

She spotted Peter and Alex on the sofa and went over to them.

She said.

"Shh. Alex's sleeping."
Peter whispered.

"Sorry. Aren't you gonna turn the tv off?"

"No way. Dora the explorers on!"

"You do know that you're 22 years old?"

"And? Dora has no age limit."

MJ rolled her eyes but sat down next to Peter.

Peter put his head onto MJs lap and the woman started stroking his hair.

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