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"Hey Fatty, where's Penis Parker? Is he too scared too show up for school?"
Flash sneered.
"I don't know where he is Flash."

Ned didn't know where Peter was and it was scaring him.
The bell rung and students went off to 1st Period which was a double Period. (I'm basing the school system of my country as I don't know the American school system. Each class lasts for 50 minutes with a 15 minute break after the first 3 50 minutes and a 45 minute lunch after the next 2 Periods. A double Period is 2 50 minute lessons. If it confuses you I'm sorry)

The teacher went through the register but stopping when it got to Peter Parker's name.

"Mr Leeds, Miss Jones, do any of you know where Mr Parker is?"
Both Ned and MJ looked at each other before shaking their heads.

"I shall phone the office as he has been missing for 4 days now without a phone call from a parent or guardian."

The teacher was stopped from picking the phone up by a voice from the tannoy system.

"If you want to know where Peter Parker is you will watch the video of him. You will understand what he has gone through from such a young age and what he has gone through more recently."
A video went up on the screen in the classroom and there was writing on it.

'The life of Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark'

"Wait what? Why is Stark one of his last names?"
"You will soon find out"
The voice from the tannoy system said.
(Bold italics is in the video, normal is in the class)

A small boy bounced up to a man who looked a bit like Peter.
"Hey buddy. How are you?"

"Hi daddy I'm fine but do you and mummy have to go away?"

"Yes Pete we have too. It's important business. When you are older you will understand."
The small boy pouted.

"But why can't I understand now?"

"Because you are too small. Now pack your bag with everything you need for staying at Aunty May and Uncle Ben's ok?"

The little boy immediately perked up.
"Ok daddy!"
And he ran away.

"Who was that man and little boy?"
Someone asked.
"That was Peters last encounter with his Father. Before he tragically died with his wife, Peters Mother."
The screen changed to show the class at Oscorp. Where Peter got bitten by the radioactive spider.

Peter ran to the bathroom and he then starts to hyperventilate. His hair on his arms started to spike up and his fingers got little spike like grips on them.

"What's happening to Peter? What's wrong with him?"

"You are about too see Peters most sacred secrets he has only told 3 people about."

Peter went back too the apartment he had with May and Ben and he went to his room and made his costume.

The screen then turned to a dark ally way.

Peter was crying over a body who had a gunshot wound in their chest.
"Please don't die Ben. Please don't"
"Peter, remember. With great power comes great responsibility"
Ben then died as Peter screamed for someone to call an ambulance.

Flash looked pale.
"I didn't know Peter actually seen his one uncle die. And he's Spider-Man?!"

"Yes Eugene. You bullied a boy who has seen his own Uncle die and who is Spider-Man. How do you feel?"

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