19. Asphyxiation

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So I googled asphyxiation and it says it's basically choking so that's what this is gonna be about.

Tony doesn't know who Spider-Man is.

Peter was swinging around the city, admiring the sunset and looking for any trouble.

He heard a scream from down an alleyway and he dropped down into it.

A small boy was cowering in a corner and two men were advancing on him. Peter webbed the taller dude onto the wall and the small boy ran away.

The other man growled and started attacking Peter. He dodged the attacks but didn't notice the other man cutting the webs off.

The man who was previously tied up, grabbed Peter and slammed him against the wall.

He pinned Peter's arms up with one hand and placed the other around his neck.

The man squeezed Peter's neck and ignored Peter's feeble attempts at getting out.

"Let's see who Spider-Man is."
The other man said.

He reached up towards the mask but was shot back by a repulser blast. The other man looked at the man before getting shot as well.

Peter slid down the wall as he tried to get his breath back.

"You good Spidey?"
Stark asked.

Peter nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

"I don't think you are. You just got strangled and you can't even talk. I'm taking you to the tower to get checked out."
Stark said.

"No. I'm fine."
Peter croaked out before getting into a coughing fit.

"You're not fine."
Tiny said and lifted Peter.

They flew to the tower and went into the Med-Bay.

"Hey Bruce."
Tony said and placed Peter down onto an empty bed.

"Why is Spider-Man here?"
Bruce asked.

"He got strangled."
Tony said and Bruce nodded.

"Can I lift your mask up, just up to your nose so I can see your neck?"
Bruce asked and Peter lifted the mask up to his nose.

Bruce said and pulled the fabric down slightly so he could see all of Peter's neck.

"It's just some bruising. And if you've got super healing like Steve, the bruises should be gone by tomorrow afternoon at the latest."
Bruce said.

"And for your sore throat, just take some cough sweeties. They should help sooth it."
Bruce said.

Peter croaked out before pulling his mask down and swung out the window.

Hi. It's been a while hasn't it.


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