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So this was requested by @phantomhive02028 so you hope you like it!

Peter trekked up to the lab where Mr Stark was. He had just finished an eight hour shift as a waiter in a small restaurant but Tony didn't know that. (I'm getting some major deja vu here and I don't know why)

"Hey Mr Stark."
Peter said tiredly.

"Hey kid. Can you pass me that screwdriver please?"

"Yeah sure."
Peter picked up the screwdriver and passed it to Tony.

Tony said.

"You're welcome."
Peter got his homework out for the weekend and started doing it.

He ignored his very empty stomach.


"Hey kid? Are you finished with your work?"
Tony asked an hour later.

"Yeah. I've just got one last number to write down. And done!"
Peter said, putting his pencil down.

"So I've got some ideas for an update to your suit. I've got blueprints so we should get it done soon."
Tony said.


Tony noticed that Peter wasn't as energetic as he usually was and that he was paler than he usually was.

"Are you ok kid?"
Tony asked.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine Mr Stark."

"How many times have I told you that it's Tony?"
Tony asked.

"Sorry Mr Star-Tony."
Peter said. 


Half an hour passed and Peter still wasn't as energetic as he usually was.

"Kid I'm gonna ask you a question and you have to answer it truthfully."
Tony said suddenly.

"Wh-what is it Tony?"
Peter asked worriedly.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine Mr Stark. I promise."

"Don't lie to me Peter."
Tony said.

Peter's PoV (it's gonna be easier to write it from first person PoV)

Mr Starks voice went funny. I knew he was talking but I couldn't hear him.

My eyesight was going a bit fuzzy and then my legs felt weaker.

The screwdriver in my hand dropped and my vision went black.

Third person PoV

"Peter? Are you ok?"
Tony asked again.

Peter was looking right at him but he wasn't responding.

Peter's legs collapsed underneath him and he fell to the floor.

"FRIDAY what the hell happened?"
Tony asked.

"It seems that Mr Parker fainted from exhaustion, lack of food and dehydration. I suggest laying him down flat and lifting his legs up Boss."
FRIDAY said.

Tony made sure that Peter was laying down flat and lifted his legs up.

"What should I do now FRI?"
Tony asked.

"I am keeping an eye on the time Boss. If it is more than five minutes that Mr Parker has been out for, I suggest going straight to the Med-Bay."
FRIDAY said.

Tony said.


Peter moved his head and opened his eyes.

It took a second before everything un-fuzzed and.

"What happened?"
He asked.

"You fainted from dehydration, lack of food and exhaustion."
Tony said softly.

"Oh. How long was I out for?"


"Two minutes Mr Parker."


"You gave me a fright kid."
Tony said.

"I'm sorry Mr Stark."
Peter said.

"FRI, is it safe to put Peter's legs down?"

"Yes Boss."

Tony gently let Peter's legs down and went over to the sink and filled a glass up with water.

"Just take small sips ok?"

"Ok Tony. Thank you."

"No problem kid."
Peter sat up and took the glass from Tony's outstretched hand.

He took a small sip.

"Want to tell me why you are dehydrated, exhausted and not eating enough?"
Tony asked, sitting down next to Peter.

"I got a job to get more money so that May didn't have to get a third job. I was working everyday after school for two hours and every weekend between 6-8 hours, depending if there's anyone else there. And I guess I just haven't had time to eat."
Peter explained.

"Are you working tomorrow?"
Tony asked.

"Yeah. Another eight hours."

"Where do you work?"

"The Italian restaurant on third street."

"Ok. I'm phoning in for you."


"You're sick Peter. You need to sleep and eat and drink. Not work yourself until you collapse or get a serious illness because your body is too weak."

"I'm sorry Mr Stark."

"It's fine kid. Now come on, you've still got a room here and I'll get you some pizza."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah Pete."
Tony lifted Peter up and took him to the room.

"Have a nap and when you wake up, there'll be a pizza and a glass off water. I want you to drink all of the water and all of the pizza. Got it?"

"Yeah. Thanks Mr Stark."

"You're welcome kiddo."

I hope you enjoyed it (:
Also this is part 169 😏😏


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