Bucky is like Stitch and you can fight me if you think differently

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Basically what the title says.

"So this is your goodness level."
Peter told Bucky, holding up a piece of paper with a picture of Bucky and it was coloured blue until his hips.

"And this amount of goodness is bad. You need it to, at least, be up to your shoulders. Like Tony!"

"I don't want to be like Stark."
Bucky said.

"Just act kinder and help around. And try not to stab Clint again."

"I'll try. No promises though."

"Ok so I guess that's a good start."


It was a week after Peter introduced the goodness level thing and Bucky had already made a good improvement.

"So this is good. Your goodness level is much higher. It's in the middle of your stomach so you're about half good, half bad. We can still improve."

Bucky nodded.

"What if I completely ignore Clint? Then I won't stab him or hurt him so my goodness levels can go up."

"It's a good plan but your goodness levels might go down because that's mean."

"Why is everything mean now?"

"I don't know. How about offering people help? Like if someone needed help with their History work perhaps or maybe English because they aren't good at those subjects."

"Are you trying to get me to help you with your homework?"
Bucky deadpanned.

"Yes. Please help me. I cannot do History. We are learning about how Stalin came to power and I have no idea because I was sleeping in class."

"I think I can help with that."


Peter and Bucky met a week after.

"So your goodness levels are up to your chin now so that's very good. Almost as good as Steve! His goodness levels are up to his ears."

"Though he would be all goodness."

"Nah, you should see him when he's protecting women at the bars. He's scary."

"How'd you know about it?"

"I'm Spider-Man, I know everything."

Bucky shot him a look.

"Ok fine, I was following a guy and he was harassing a woman and Steve showed up and got all angry at him."

"Sounds like Steve."

"Yeah, so anyway, you have improved significantly since two months ago and your goodness levels are above Mr Stark's so isn't that better?"

"Yeah. I can brag to him that my goodness levels are higher than his."

"Yeah. Well anyway I need to go on patrol. Have a fun day at whatever you are gonna do. Byeee!"

"Bye Peter."

Is it 3:33am? Maybe.
Have I slept? Nope!
Am I gonna be tired later? Yep!!
Do I give a fuck? Nope!
Are there silent tears going down my face for no reason? Yep!
Yeah I don't care about myself.


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