Meme Queen and Vine King

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Peter and Shuri. What more could I say.

"What's up gays. It's me Peter B Parker and today I'm with my best friend, Shuri!"
Peter said fast, as if he was JoJo Siwa.

"Hey is for horses. And I'm no horse! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
Shuri screeched.

"Shut up!"
Shouted the deaf archer from the living room. Which is in another room. Which is on a completely different floor. And on the other side of Peter's room. (So Peter's room is on the left side of the 90th floor and the living room is on the right side of the 91th floor. Makes sense? No? Ok)

"Well anyways, we are going to prank Uncle Shteven, my brother Bucky, and Shuri's brother T'Challa."
Peter talked fastly.

A phone started beeping.

"Peter, your alarm is going off."
Shuri said.

"Oh is it? I genuinely didn't notice."
Peter spoke in a daze.

He turned the alarm off.

"I honestly didn't notice that."
(That was based off of a conversation between me and my brother like two minutes ago)

"How the fuck-"
Shuri said.

"So anyways, we are going to paint Shtevens shield all glittery and rainbowy. Then we are going to wait until Bucky is sleeping and paint his arm all glittery and rainbowy and then we are going to paint T'Challas Black Panther suit pink!"
Peter screamed.

"Vine King, Arrow Man has asked me to tell you and Meme Queen to 'Shut the fuck up'."
FRIDAY said.

"Tell him to go fuck himself."
Shuri said.

"Will do Meme Queen."
The AI responded.


Peter screeched in Walmart.

Everyone ignored him.

Peter screeched.

Again, everyone ignored him.

"Huh, what does it take to get some god damn motherfucking respect in this god damn fucking Walmart."
Peter sassed.

"Ya need to kill someone."
Shuri said, looking like a British chav and chewing bubble gum. (There's so many British chavs in my school it's hilarious)

Peter said before stabbing Shuri.

"Oh dear. I have been impaled. I am in immense pain."
Shuri said before collapsing on the floor.

"Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha! Oh my fucking god. She fucking dead!"
Peter said before skipping away.

"If you get hurt, hurt 'em back. And if you get killed? Walk it off!"
Shuri screeched before leaping up and walking after Peter. (But Pietro didn't walk it off 🙃🙃(slowly prepares for my murder that is going to happen when I publish this))


Peter and Shuri got back to the tower with a thousand bottles of glitter, a million tubes of paint (all different colours) and pink feathers. Why do they have pink feathers? Because they do.

The destructive teenagers snuck into the Armoury, where the famous shield lay, undisturbed.

"This is a great plan."
Peter whispered.

"I know."

Peter painted the shield carefully, the pride flag was amazingly done when he was finished.

Shuri took three bottles of glitter and shook it over the shield.

They said in unison.


The scarily smart teens managed to get into Bucky's room without alerting the napping ex-assassin.

Peter got the paint and painted over the HYDRA star on his arm. (Buck don't have his Wakandan arm.)

Shuri put glitter everywhere. Including in Bucky's hair which made it sparkle really nicely.

They crept out of the room and started cackling to themselves.

"Just T'Challa left."
Shuri said.

"I can't wait to see their faces."
Peter cackled.


The Gen Zs sneaked into Tony's lab where the Black Panther suit was lying on his desk.

Tony had been trying to figure out how Shuri got the vibranium woven into the suit but despite being extremely intelligent, Tony couldn't figure it out.

Peter painted the suit bright neon pink and Shuri put the feathers on.

"This is amazing."
The Gen Zs said in unison.


Let's just say that the three men didn't think it was amazing.


Bucky screamed when he woke up.


Steve screeched when he found his shield.


T'Challa bellowed when he went to get his suit.


The teens were screeching with laughter at the adults reaction.

Ayyy, did you guys like that? Also please don't kill me 🙃. Also I might be getting a new phone possibly as this one glitches every single second and I was meant to get a new phone for Christmas but the contract was all messed up so I have to wait till May but I don't think this phone will last till then.


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