Not Gonna Die

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Based off of a really good song :) you might cry btw

Despair, you come to me, with your poison and your misery.

Oh, death, you come to sting with your poison and your misery.

Peter felt like dying every time a punch or a kick connected to his body.

Death surrounds me, singing to me softly. Death a shadow, spreads its wings around me. In the night, close your eyes. I can hear you calling.

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken. This is how it feels when your dignity is stolen.

Tony didn't notice a thing wrong with Peter. Neither did May. That's probably because she's dead. Just like how Peter's going to be if Flash doesn't stop.

In the night, close your eyes. I can hear you calling.

I can feel the shadows creeping in my mind. Don't close your eyes!

Ned and MJ left him. But it wasn't their fault. Ned had to move because his family couldn't pay for their house and MJ got a scholarship for a very prestigious journalism school in Washington.

May died of natural causes. He couldn't do anything to stop it. But he didn't believe that. If only he didn't stay in the shower for that extra 30 seconds. If only he was quicker to his aunts room. Then maybe, just maybe she might still be alive.

Death surrounds, my heartbeat slowing down. I won't take this world abuse. I won't give up, I refuse!

Flash finally left him alone. All bloody on the floor. Just because he got a single question wrong on Flash's maths homework.

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken. This is how it feels when you're dignity is stolen. When everything you love is leaving, you hold on to what you believe in!

Happy found him all bloody in the corridor. He carried him to the car and broke all laws to get him to the tower.

The last thing I heard... was you whispering goodbye... and then I heard you flatline!

No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna stand and fight forever! Don't close your eyes!

No! We're not gonna die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together... no we're not gonna die tonight!

He was lying there on the hospital bed. Tony and the other Avengers were gathered round the bed. Happy was there as well.

They didn't know if he was gonna make it.

Break their hold 'cause I won't be controlled. They can't keep their chains on me when the truth has set me free!

This is how it feels when you take your life back! This is how it feels when you finally fight back! When life pushes me, I push harder! What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

The last thing I heard... was you whispering goodbye... and then I heard you flatline!

No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna stand and fight forever! Don't close your eyes!

The heart machine was getting slower. His heart rate slowing down.

No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna fight for us together... no we're not gonna die tonight!

The beeps turned into one single note. One that people never want to hear.

Peter had flatlined.

Don't you give up on me.

If only the world knew what kind of hero Peter Parker was.

You're everything I need.

The funeral was quiet. Only the Avengers and Ned and MJ. No one else. No one else cared enough.

This is how it feels when you take your life back! This is how it feels when you fight back!

Flash got expelled and arrested for murder. A new building was built for people who were getting bullied. A statue of Spider-Man was put up, honouring the fallen hero.

No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna stand and fight forever! Don't close your eyes! No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna fight for us together... NO WE'RE NOT GONNA DIE TONIGHT! NO WE'RE GONNA DIE TONIGHT!

Not gonna die, not gonna die, not gonna a die! Not gonna die! NOT GONNA DIE TONIGHT!

If only the world knew what kind of hero Peter Parker was out of his suit...

Haha. Did any of you guys cry? I didn't 🙃


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