Wisdom teeth

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(This was originally gonna be Peter getting killed but then I had a shit tonne of sugar so yeah 🙃) (I have calmed down now but I plan on having coffee today so watch out) (I had sugar today, like a whole shit tonne of it.)

Peter and May were sitting in the waiting room at the dentists office. Peter had to get his wisdom teeth out and they told a lie so that Peter had the correct amount of anaesthetic. The lie was that Peter had a fast metabolism (which is true).

"Parker, Peter?"
The dentists assistant asked into the waiting room.

Peter stood up and walked into the office.

"Morning Peter, take a seat on the chair please."
Peter's dentist, Dr McAllen (made up name, please don't sue or anything) said, putting his gloves on.

Peter slid onto the chair and Dr McAllen's assistant moved the seat down into a slight lying down position.

"Now I'm just going to have a quick check to make sure nothing is wrong then we'll get you hooked up onto the anaesthetic."
He said.

"Open wide."
Peter did what he was asked.

Dr McAllen did a quick check.

"Perfect. Now it's anaesthetic time."

The assistant put the mask over Peter's face and gave him the anaesthetic.


"Hay May. I've got hair!"
Peter exclaimed when May came in after the operation.

"Yes Peter, we all have hair."
May said before turning to Dr McAllen.

"So he's high on anaesthetic then."
May said.

"Yeah, only advice I'll give you is to just wait it out. Sleeping can sometimes help but keep an eye on him so he doesn't choke or anything."

"Ok thanks Doctor."

"Just doing my job."
May went over to Peter and started filming to show to the Avengers.

"Come on Peter, it's time to go."

"Where will we be going?"
Peter asked before gasping.

"Will we be going back home to mum and dad?"

"No honey, you're coming back to my apartment."

"Aww, will I be able to see mum and dad?"

"Not today honey. Now come on, if you're good, I might even let you have ice cream."

"Yay! Ice cream ice cream!"
Peter chanted.

"But only if you're good so that means coming into the car without any hassle."

"Ok Auntie Waintie."
(Said Wah-ntee)

Peter slid down from the chair and walked out the room weirdly.

"Thank you Doctor."

"Goodbye Mrs Parker."

May ran out of the room to catch up to her drugged up nephew.


May tied her phone to the air vent in her car so that she could still film Peter being high for the others.

"How ya feeling Pete?"

"Like I'm on the moon!"

"That's nice honey."

"May, you wanna know who favourite superhero?"
(Yes it is meant to be written like this)

"Who is it darling?"

"It's-it's, Spider-Man!"

"Well, that makes sense, you are Spider-Man."

"I'M WHAT?!"
Peter shouted.

Just a word of advice for you guys, don't eat a whole load of sugar, you might be sick.

—Penguin🐧 (I'm sustaining your wenis)

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