"Spider-Man won't be signing the Accords."

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I haven't slept for two days so this is what's in my head right now.
Main character death.

The Avengers were waiting for Tony to get to the airport. Sure he could fly to Germany solo but that wouldn't look good as far as the UN is concerned.

All the Avengers and superheroes need to sign the new and improved Accords. It's not as confining as the last one but the Avengers could still go out on missions by themselves but the Accords determines how many of the Avengers that need to be there.

Everyone agrees to it but sadly Ross was still in charge. He wanted to change it but if he did so, he faces angering a major government.

They were all standing about the airport when the black suv pulled up to the airport.

Happy Hogan opened the boot and took a small bag out and Tony stepped out of the passenger door.

He was wearing a suit (not surprising) but he was wearing his signature sunglasses and they were the darkest shade they saw. They weren't black but no one could see Tony's eyes.

Happy passed the small bag to Tony and patted his shoulder.

The mechanic made his way over to where the others were standing about.

"Right, let's go to Germany."
Was all Tony said before boarding the plane.


The plane landed in Germany and King T'Challa greeted them at the airport there.

For the entire plane trip, Tony was looking at the small bag and not even acknowledging the fact that there were others around him.

The heroes made their way into the UN building and into a large conference room where Ross was standing.

"Let's get this signing done with."
Was all he said before placing the new and improved Accords on the table.

Everyone signed apart from one vigilante.

"Stark, you seem to know the spider, why isn't he here?"
Ross inquired.

"Spider-Man won't be signing the Accords. He's still in America."
Was Tony's blunt respond.

"Why? He knows that if he doesn't sign, we will have to hunt him down."

"Well lucky for you, I know exactly where he is. He's six feet under!"
Tony took his sunglasses off and everyone saw his red eyes.

"That's why I was late to the airport. I was at his funeral! A sixteen year old boys funeral! The bag that I've carried around with me has his suit in it. I didn't want to let go of it. I was scared that I would lose every connection I have to him."
Tony sat back down in his seat.

"How did he die?"
Clint asked quietly.

"He got bullied at school. His bully beaten him to death. His aunt was in tears. I've known her for years and despite all of the things I've seen her gone through, I've never seen her cry but when she found out, she didn't hold back." (Let's just pretend that Tony and May were in school together and they were friends.)

"What about his parents?"
Steve asked.

"They died in a plane crash when he was a young boy and his uncle was shot in front of him when he was 14, a week before he became Spidey. He only had his aunt and his two friends, Led and RJ. Being Spidey was his way of escaping the world. Helping others gave him the will to live."

Natasha and Rhodey both put a comforting hand on his shoulders.

"What happened to the bully?"
Bucky piped up.

"Jail. He's got a life sentence."

"Good. The kid seemed like a good kid when we were last here."
Bucky spoke.

"He was. He was also incredibly smart. Smarter than me."

What the heroes didn't know was that the signing was being filmed and it was live so everyone know knew that Spider-Man was dead and that he was a sixteen year old.

Cannae sleep so here's some sad shit.

—Penguin 🐧

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