Dr Strange and his apprentice/son

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Basically Peter P is Dr Strange's apprentice/son and I'm sorry, I kinda made Tony bit of a jerk to Strange, Wong and Peter.

"Peter! Hurry up or we'll be late!"
Dr Strange shouted up the stairs to the first floor of the Sanctum.

"Just coming Dr Dad!"
A voice shouted down.

"You would think, that by now he would be more punctual."
Wong stated.

"He's still a teenager Wong. Sure he's been with us since he was a few months old but he's going through his rebellious teenage years now."
Strange said.

A young male with brown curly hair and big brown eyes bounded down the stairs.

"I'm here Dad."
The boy said.

"I know Peter."

Dr Strange did the orange portal thing with his hands and him, Wong and Peter stepped through it into Stark Towers.


"Is that everyone?"
Steve asked.

"No not yet, just waiting on three more people."
As if on cue, an orange circle was formed and three people walked through.

"Ah, the doctor who doesn't actually have any PhDs. Welcome Doctor Strange, Wong, and random teenager boy that I don't know."
Tony said, as if he was disgusted by the fact that there was a teenager in the same room as him.

"This is my son, Peter. I would like you to please treat him with the same respect that you have for me and Wong."
Strange said defensively.

"Woah, chill there Mister Wizard dude. Jeez."
Tony said, rolling his eyes.

"Right let's get this meeting started."
Steve said.

"Right yes, so non Avengers, we would like youse all to join the Avengers. The government thinks it'll be a good idea to have all the heroes living in one building."
Tony said, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, no can do. We need to stay in the Sanctum."
Strange said.

"Why? It's just an old building?"
Tony seemed confused by why Strange, Wong and the teenager didn't want to live in the tower or the compound.

"We have to keep the Sanctum safe. I have been trusted to keep it safe. So has Wong and so has my son."
Stephen said.

"Can't you just cast a spell over it?"

"No. And plus it's closer to Peter's school than the tower or the compound."
Wong said.

"Sorry Mr Stark, we can't move out of the Sanctum."
Peter said politely.

"I didn't ask you."
Tony rolled his eyes. (Like he did in A1)

"And you are being incredibly rude to my son so no. We will not be staying here."
Strange said.

Strange made a portal and the three stepped though it again.

"Well, they don't want to stay here."
Tony said.

"Don't blame them. You were incredibly rude to the kid."
Natasha said.

"What? It's a teenager. I don't like kids."
Tony tried to defend himself.

"You have a six year old."
Natasha deadpanned.

"And? She's cute and a spitting image off me. That teenager was all spotty and greasy. Didn't want him in my tower."
(I feel so bad writing this. Irondad fans, please forgive me. It pains me to write all this but it's for the one shot)

"You are unbelievable."
Clint said from the corner.

"You wouldn't let two valuable assets to the team stay here, just because the tall wizard has a son? Who is a teenager? You astound me Stark."
Clint spat with disgust.

The others left the room, leaving Tony by himself.

"FRI, what did I do wrong?"
Tony asked, slumping down in his chair.

"You didn't let two valuable assets onto the team because Dr Strange has a teenage son."
FRIDAY said.


"Dad, am I the reason why you and Uncle Wong didn't get on the team?"
Peter asked quietly.

"No baby, no. Stark is just a mean person who doesn't like anyone. And even if he wasn't rude to you, we wouldn't have accepted the invitation to the Avengers."
Strange said warmly.

Peter cuddled up to his father on the sofa.

"Thanks dad."
He said sleepily.

"Go go sleep Pete. It's been a long day."
Stephen said.

"Ok dad. Night."

"Night Peter."
Stephen said, pressing a light kiss to the top of Peter's head.

In a few minutes, light snores were coming from Peter.

Some fluff for you guys after those sad one shots. I have a dancing exam later today and I am not ready for it 🙃🙃 please send help.


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