Viking death march

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This song is my favourite.

The Avengers were back from a week long mission and Peter was in the common room. He didn't know that the Avengers were standing there, he was listening to one of his favourite songs and ignoring his Spidey Sense.


The Avengers stared at Peter.

'Who was he talking to?'
Was the question in everyone's head apart from Clints which was 'When's dinner?'

"Down, let's take it down raise up the heads on a stake. We will show no mercy on evolutions mistake.

"Change, will have to wait if we can't decide on a fate. Self appointed profits and a doomsday charade.

"You preach about love and teach about fate but all your beliefs are still rooted in hate!"

Peter started dancing along to the music.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall and down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall and down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

"Stop, punch in the clock, punch it with all of your rage. Put the men in office for a minimum wage.

"Rats, fighting for scraps, siphon the gas from your tank. Left your pockets empty as they laughed at the bank.

"They speak about draws but make no mistake. The shaking your head while they spit in your face."
By this time, Clint and Bucky joined in.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall and down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall and down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

The three of them started banging their heads to the music and playing the air guitar.

"Now, the time is now. We can still turn it around. Raise your voice like a weapon 'til the fall to the ground.

"Light, let there be light without a shadow of doubt. We will fight tooth and nail until salvation is found.

"So how can you look the world in the eyes when all we can see is corruption and lies."

Peter jumped onto the ceiling and left footprints.

"My-my beautiful ceiling!"
Tony shouted but somehow Peter didn't notice them. Stephen put a reassuring hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Down on your knees you don't look so tall.

"Down on your knees you don't look so tall.

"Crakin' the whip on the backs of the poor. We asked you to stop but you still wanted more.

"The blood on your hands left a trail as you crawl. Down on your knees you just don't look so tall!"
Peter, Clint and Bucky were full on screaming at this point.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall. Down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall. Down on your knees you just don't look so tall.

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall. Down on your knees you just don't look so tall."

"Crosses still burn, axes still fall. Down on your knees, your don't look so tall. Open your eyes aND THE EMPIRE FALLS!"
Peter, Clint and Bucky finished.

Peter turned around and screamed a totally manly scream when he saw the team.

"Hey... How long have you guys been standing there?"
He asked.

"For the whole song. Clint and Barnes even joined in screaming with you."
Steve said.

"Wait, you guys know this song?"
Peter asked the two.

"Of course. This was the first song that Clint introduced to me and whenever we have to go on missions together, we put this song on full blast."
Bucky said with Clint nodding beside him.

"Wait, have you guys heard of 'Fake it'?"
Peter asked excitedly.

"Yeah. I love that song."

"Finally. The only other person that I've met that likes these songs are Shuri. I'm gonna tell her."
Peter said whilst naruto running to his room.

"How the fuck do you guys know these songs?"
Sam asked.

"Like I said, Clint introduced me to them."
Bucky told him.

So like, 'Viking death march' and 'Fake It' are two of my favourite songs that aren't from movies so listen to them they are really good.


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