"You look a bit better than the last time I saw you."

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Tony didn't die and neither did Natasha, they managed to get the stone from Vormir and brought Natasha back to life. Steve didn't go back and Morgan is alive. Tony was in a coma for five months and they also brought Gamora back to life as well. Vision is also still alive. Loki faked his death cos nothing can kill him.

Pepperony, WinterFalcon, Clintasha (friendship), ScottxHope,

Tony and Peter were walking to the common area.

It's been six months since the battle with Thanos and when Tony snapped, he went into a coma for five months.

He took a month after waking up to build his strength back up and he decided it would be as good time as any to introduce Peter to the Avengers, honorary Avengers and the Guardians.

When the two arrived at the common area, Natasha was hitting Clint over the head with a plastic bowl, Sam and Bucky were sneaking kisses, Morgan was watching cartoons with Carol and Hope, Smart Hulk was talking to Scott about Quantum physics, Nebula was trying to kill Quill, Steve and Gamora were trying to get Nebula to stop trying to kill Quill, Rocket was trying to steal Bucky's arm, Groot and Shuri were playing video games and T'Challa was sleeping.

Thor was drinking beer, Rhodey was also sleeping, Loki was poking Thor and Steve with a knife, Mantis and Drax were staring at the wall and Strange and Wong, being the only normal two, were drinking tea.

"Guys listen up!"
Tony shouted after seeing the commotion.

Morgan shouted.

She ran up to Tony and hugged his legs.

"Hey Maguna."
Tony said whilst picking her up.

"Right, so I decided that it's time to meet the masked vigilante that helped us during the battle with that purple grape. Spider-Man!"

Peter waved shyly.

"H-hi. I'm Peter Parker."

"You look a bit better than the last time I saw you."
Carol said.

"Thanks, Miss Captain Marvel."

"Just Carol is fine."

"Ok Miss Carol."

"Don't worry about it Carol. He's still calling me Mr Stark despite knowing me for a year."

"But I don't want to be rude Mr Stark."
Peter defended himself.

"I'm Natasha but you can call me Tasha."

"What! I'm your best friend and you don't let me call you Tasha but then a random kid shows up and you basically open up your heart for him!"
Clint shrieked like a banshee but no one listened.

"The idiot who was screeching is Clint, the person drinking beer is Thor, the guys sleeping are T'Challa and Rhodey, the two idiots who are in the corner are Sam and Bucky, the person getting stabbed is Steve, the person stabbing Steve is Loki-"
Natasha got interrupted by Tony.

"Why the hell is Loki in my Tower?!"

"He's my brother Man of Iron. He goes where I go now."
Thor spoke.


"Right so anyway, the person watching cartoons is Hope, that's Smart Hulk and he's talking to Scott. The tree is called Groot and the girl playing video games is Shuri, that's Mantis and Drax and the person trying to kill the man is called Nebula and she's trying to kill Quill and her sister called Gamora is trying to stop her, the raccoon trying to steal Bucky's arm is Rocket and the two drinking tea are Strange and Wong."
Natasha said.

"Thanks Miss Tasha." 

"Do you like vines?"
Shuri asked.

"Of course."


I refuse to think that Tony and Natasha are dead. They are not.

—Penguin 🐧

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