Keeping Up With The Avengers part four

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Possibly the last part maybe idk.

"Miss Kesha? Miss Kesha?! Miss Kesha?! Oh my fucking god, she fucking dead!"
Shuri screamed.

"What the fuck is up Kyle?!"
Peter shouted, dropping down from the vents.

Clint said.

"Shut the fuck up old man!"
The teens screamed at him.

"I ain't old!"

Peter and Shuri snorted at that.

"T'Challa, when are you guys going home?"
Steve asked the king wearily.

"Tomorrow. Sadly."


"Hey, come here."
Peter whispered to the cameraman.

The cameraman followed Peter to a different room where Tony was sleeping. Peter put a small speaker next to Tony's ear.

He ran out the room and the cameraman followed him.

He went onto YouTube, got the earrape version of the Monsters Inc theme tune and made sure it was on full blast.

"3, 2, 1."
Peter counted down before pressing play.

The music started out normal before going really loudly.

Tony fell off the sofa and looked around wildly.

Tony screeched and Peter ran away.


"What do you have?"
Steve asked Shuri and Peter.

"A knife!"

Steve chased after them.


"No I don't think it's annoying that I care about my teammates safety."


"Steve's a hypocrite. Says he cares about people's safety's but he don't care about his own safety."
Bucky said.


"It's annoying."
Everyone said.


"Bye Miss Kesha!"
Peter weeped out.

"Bye Felicia."

The two hugged before Shuri had to be dragged into the aircraft.

Peter collapsed onto the floor and continued bawling his eyes out.


"I miss Shuri!"
Peter cried when he was sat in the chair.


"Course we miss Shuri but we're glad that she's gone so that means that there's one less troublemaker in the tower."
But what Wanda didn't know was that Thor, Bruce and Valkyrie were coming. And they were bringing an extra person.


"What's he doing in the tower?"
Tony asked, walking into the living area.

"He's my brother Stark!"


"I don't care, just get him out of my tower."

"Do ya like pranks?"
Peter asked Loki who smirked.


"I have an announcement."
Loki said, going into the kitchen for dinner the next day.

"I have decided to adopt the little spider teen. He is now my son. Don't like it, I've got a knife with your name on it."

Tony spat out his coffee.


"Peter's mine!"
Natasha said.

"He's mine!"
Clint shouted.

"No mine!"
Bucky said.

It then ended with everyone getting into a huge food fight and Wanda and Peter crept away from them. (No it's not ScarletSpider)


"Of course I'm adopting the spider teen."
Loki said.

"Why? Well he is exactly like a younger version of me. But he isn't a god. Or immortal. And he doesn't even look like me."


"What the fuck Richard?"
Peter said one morning.

Loki said.

"I said whoever threw that paper, your mums a hoe."
Wanda said unenthusiastically.

"Oh no."
Tony muttered.


"What's my full name? Well it's now, Peter Parker-Stark-Maximoff-Lokison-Rogers-Barnes-Romanoff-Thorson-Barton-Carter. Somehow, within two minutes of knowing Director Carter, she adopted me."

This is the last one motherfuckers!


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