Tony adopts a bunch of kids part two (another request)

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@B26022003 here ya go, part two.

Peter was lying in his bed when there was a knock at his door and the door creaked open.

"Peter? You still awake?"
James whispered.

"Yeah. Nightmare?"

"Yeah. Sorry about this."

"No it's fine, it also helps me with my nightmares."
James climbed in next to Peter and snuggled down.

"Do you want to talk about the nightmare?"
Peter asked.

"No. It was too horrible and I don't want to recall it."

"Ok. Sorry."

"Don't apologise."
A few minutes later, snores were heard from both men.


When Sam woke up at 7am, he stretched and saw that Barnes wasn't in the room. Somehow sensing his surprise, FRIDAY started speaking.

"Don't worry Mr Wilson, Mr Barnes is in Mr Parker-Stark-Banner's room."

"Oh, uh thanks FRIDAY."

"You're very welcome."

Sam got dressed and went to the living area where most of them were already there.


Sam said.

Everyone else either echoed 'morning' or just smiled at him.

"Where's Bucky?"
Steve asked.

"Mr Barnes is in Mr Parker-Stark-Banners room Mr Rogers and he has asked you to call him James."
FRIDAY said.

"Ok thanks FRI."


Peter and James came traipsing in half an hour later.

"Morning dad."
Peter said to Bruce.

"Morning Peter. Did you sleep good?"

"Alright, James came in half way through the night but that was fine."
Peter said, reaching for his Avengers cup that he got from his aunt a few years back.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a bowl out to make himself cereal.

James got a plain cup out and poured the remaining coffee in and went to sit down next to Clint.

"How'd you sleep?"
Clint asked.

"Nightmare, went to Pete's room. Woke up in the morning."
James answered.

"That sucks man."
Clint said, taking a sip of his coffee from his oversized cup.

"Why do you have such a big cup Clint?"
Sam asked.

"Not allowed to drink from the jar of coffee so I got a massive cup so I can drink more coffee."


Peter came through with his coffee in one hand and his bowl of fruit loops in the other. (I have no idea what fruit loops look like only that they are a type of cereal)

"Hey Peter. Sleep good?"
Wanda asked with her soft voice that she only used for Peter.

"I slept alright. Kinda hard to sleep when someone's kicking you in the back when you're trying to sleep. With freezing feet!"
Peter glared at James.

"Well I'm sorry that I had a nightmare and had to go into your room."
James stuck his tongue out at the younger male.

"But why don't you wear socks?!"

"Because my feet feel trapped in socks!"

"But what I don't get is how they managed to get up my shirt!"

"I don't know!"

Peter stuck his tongue out at James and James did it back.

"Hey, no fighting you two!"
Tony said, walking into the room with a cup the same size as Clints.

"Ayy, cup buddies!"
Clint shouted.

"Shut up Clint. It's too early."
Natasha said.

Harley came in carrying a half asleep Morgan on his back.

"Morning Harley, morning Morgan."
Tony said.

"Morning dad."
Harley said.

"Morning kids."
Bruce said.

Tony took Morgan off of Harleys back.

"Where's Nebula? Thought she should be up by now."
Tony wondered out loud.

"I'm here."
They said.

"Ah, morning Nebula. Coffee's by the sink."
Nebula nodded and grabbed their cup.

"Thanks. The Guardians will be coming to Earth in a few days."
Nebula said.

"Oh no. We don't have enough rooms."
Tony whined.

"Me and Wanda can share."
Natasha said.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"Ok so that's an extra room. James and Peter, do you guys mind sharing?"
Tony asked.

"Uh yeah sure, I don't mind."
Peter said, looking at James who nodded in agreement.

"And then Cap and Sam, you guys can share as well."

Sam said.

"So that's two rooms spare. Vision, you don't need a room, do you?"

"Well, not really no."

"So you can stay in here. So that's three rooms spare and there's six of them. Peter Q and Gamora can share a room so there's two left, Rocket and Groot can share so there's one left and I'm sure Mantis and Drax won't mind sharing."
Tony mumbled to himself.

"Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't there yesterday, my daughter was staying at mine."
Scott said, coming out of the lift.

"Ok so that throws a wrench into the plan. Hey Clint, can you share?"
Tony asked.


"Ok good. That's it."

MY 100th ONE SHOT!!!!!!!


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