The opposite world

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I'm gonna make youse all cry. Tissues and chocolates needed.

Peter woke up in his bed in Aunt Mays apartment. The only difference was that he was in space last he checked and he was dusting away.

And, everything was orange.

He left his room and went into the living room. There, he saw his Aunt May crying over a picture of him, May and his Uncle Ben.

Peter sat down and tried to put his hand on her shoulder but it just fell through.

Peter stared at his hands.

"Wh-what's happening to me?"
He asked out loud.

No one answered.

He left the apartment block and made his way to the compound.

He saw Tony and Steve arguing and Rhodey holding Tony back. (Hehe, the cat meme)

"Mr Stark?"

No reply.

Peter tried to put his hand on Tony's shoulder but it fell through like it did with May.

"Kid. You alright?"
A voice said.

"What's happened?"

"We dusted. And I guess this is the Soul Stone."
The wizard said.

"Why can't I touch anyone?"
(That sounds rlly wrong but I have no idea how else to word it)

"We are basically ghosts. Free to do what we want until the remaining manage to get us all back."
The wizard said before walking through the wall.

"No. No nononononono! I c-can't be like th-this!"
Peter started having a panic attack.


Five years passed and Peter still wasn't used to not being able to comfort May, Mr Stark or Ned and MJ.

He just wasn't himself. He stayed with May and Mr Stark for most of the five years.

He watched Morgan grow up to be just like Tony. He watched May work hard to try and keep the apartment. He watched Ned and MJ try and get over their friend dusting away in space.

Of course, his identity was revealed. It was in a speech to the remaining public.

He also knew the plan on how to bring the dusted back. He knew the reason why. He knew that Tony blamed himself for his death. And he couldn't do anything about it.

"Pep, I don't know what to do."
Peter heard Tony say to his wife, Pepper.

"I don't know if I should just plunge the research down into the bottom of the sea or actually go along with Lang's plan. But I also want the kid back. I don't know what to do."

"Will you be able to live with yourself if you couldn't?"
She asked.

"No. I'm gonna do it. I'm actually going to go along with Lang's plan."

Peter was happy. He knew what Scott's plan was and he was happy that he was going to be reunited with May and Tony.


The snap was done. But Pete didn't feel any different. When he tried to touch Tony's shoulder, it went through again, just like it did 5 years ago.

He kept trying but it didn't work. Peter curled up into a ball. He was forgotten. He wasn't important enough to be brought back.

Blasts were heard from outside the compound. Then the compound was completely destroyed.

The final battle was happening.


Peter saw what Tony was going to do. Tony was going to snap.

Peter screamed. But of course, no one heard him.

"And, I am. Iron Man."
Tony said, the power of the stones making him weaker by the second.

He snapped and Thanos and his minions dusted.

Tony was gasping for breath.

"You can rest now."
Pepper said gently.

Tony said with his dying breath.

A voice said behind Peter. A familiar voice.

"Mr Stark?"
Peter turned around.

He sprinted towards the man and hugged him like his dead life depended on it.

"Where are we?"
Tony asked.

"Well, five years ago, the wizard guy said that this is the Soul Stone but I think it's heaven. Because I'm dead. And no one else apart from you is here."
Peter mumbled into Tony's top.

"Were you by yourself for those five years?"
Tony asked the question.

"Yeah. But I was watching over you and May and Ned and MJ."
Peter said, on the brink of tears.

"Oh kiddo."
Tony said, tears rolling down his face.


The funeral was beautiful.

It was a joint funeral. For Tony and Peter.

Morgan was confused. She never got to meet her big brother and her daddy was gone and apparently not coming back.

Happy was trying to be strong. He lost his best friend and he didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

Pepper was also trying to be strong. For Morgan's sake.

May was in tears for Peter's funeral. Five years of thinking that her nephew was dusted but was actually dead pained her heart.

Ned was bawling into MJs shoulder. He lost his only friend.

MJ stood stoically. She cared for the loser when no one else was there.

"Tony was a great man. He created the Iron Man suit to save the world and he will be greatly missed."
Pepper only got through half of the paper before she started bawling.

MJ stood up next. May couldn't bring herself up and Ned was in hystericals.

"Peter was a loser. And a friend. He was my first friend and he made me realise that smiling is actually alright. Peter was a kind and caring boy and he will he missed, as both Peter Benjamin Parker and Spider-Man."
MJ said before stepping down.


"That was nice, wasn't it kid?"
Tony asked Peter.

Peter sniffed.

Haha. Did I make you guys cry? I hope I did cos I'm mean like that and I love making you guys cry. Anyway if you guys haven't seen the announcement that I out on my profile, I am seriously anaemic and it will take 6-months to a year for me to recover. Also I'm 5ft tall. I am very happy.


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