5 +1

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Haha fuckers. It's one of those 5 +1 stories. Might be angst, might not. You never fucking know.

Five times Tony helps/saves Peter and the one time Peter helps/saves Tony.


It was a beautiful day in Queens, only a swinging Spider-Man could be seen in the bright blue sky.

Until Spider-Man ran out of webs and started falling to his doom.

Luckily, Iron Man was flying around as well but he was in his camouflage suit so no one could see him and he spotted Peter falling to his possible death. (I know Tony doesn't have a camo suit, just go with it)

He zoomed towards the falling spider and scooped him up in his arms.

"Got ya kid."

"Thanks Mr Stark! I don't know what happened. I was sure I had enough webs this morning!"

"It's alright but remember to double check and to take spares!"

Tony placed Peter on top of his apartment block and flew away.


Peter was lying on the floor in the corridor, getting punches and kicks in all places.

"What(are ya doin' in ma swamp?!), do you think you are doing?"
A mans voice said, the guy placing a hand on Flash's shoulder.

"Beating this worthless piece of shit up. Why? Do you want a turn?"

The man said before slamming Flash into the lockers.

"Touch him again and you will never see your family again."

Flash started whimpering.

"Please let me go sir."
The man took his hand off of Flash's shoulder and the boy scurried away.

"Pete, are you alright?"
The man asked.

"Who are you?"

"It's me, Tony."

"Hi Tony. I'm fine, just a little sore."

"I'm taking you to the Med-Bay."
Tony said.

"But I'm fine Mr Stark."

"No you're not. I'm taking you and that's that."
Tony lifted Peter into his arms and took him to his car.

"Happy, to the tower please."

"Is he alright?"

"He will be."

They stopped the chatter until they stopped outside the Avengers entrance to the tower.

"Thanks Hap."
Tony climbed out of the car, holding a grumpy Peter in his arms.

He rushed inside and into the Med-Bay.

"Hey Brucie, can you help?"
Tony asked.

"Uh I'll try. Who is this?"

"Someone. Just can you check that he's alright."


Bruce did a check up and found nothing that caused alarm.

"Well, he's just going to have some nice bruises and a few cuts but otherwise he's alright."

"See, I told you I'm fine Mr Stark."

"But you can never be too sure kiddo."


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