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As his calloused hand touched hers light exploded behind her eyes. Hundreds of thousands of images swarmed in front of her, around her. Fleeting images of her past, and more. Scenes she couldn't remember. Her holding his hand as they walked through the Valley of Hu. Her floating in the air, screaming as her wings burned. Her looking up at his silhouette as the sun exploded. And then... An image of her, ageing and weak in a chair, watching a small Fae in front of her. A child, learning how to fly for the first time... But not a child she recognised.

All Fae lived forever, or until their soul was broken. Death meant reincarnation, and a slow several hundred year process of remembering the past through discipline and magic. There had never been a new Fae. Ever. All of them were brought into existence at the same time, when Summer's mother had created them.

Summer felt the world spinning, and heard his voice nearby, calling her name, as she fell.

It was too much.

She collapsed as the light blinded her, falling into the light. It swarmed around her, screaming and whispering. The memories of her people, from the beginning to the end.

Trei standing there, smiling grimly. A warrior's stance. It wasn't the body he had now. There were no burns, no rotting flesh. He wasn't half alive. He was talking to her, but she couldn't make out the words. He stepped towards her, arms wrapping around her.

Summer flushed red as he kissed her.

She stumbled forward. He was gone. A memory. A vision. A fragment of what could be. Would he really just walk up to her and kiss her one day?


Summer felt a chill crawl down her spine and turned slowly, looking at a small yellow-haired Faeling. The child grinned at her, "Mama!"

Summer crouched slowly, not recognised the girl. It wasn't possible. There had been no new Fae since the original sacrifice. Since her race had been created. How could she not know who this was? Was this a Faeling she would nurse? Is that why they liked her?

The Faeling stamped her foot. "Dad's gonna be mad."

Summer frowned, "Why's that?"

"Because you need to wake up."

Before Summer could react the child grabbed the side's of her head, and screamed. A pain ripped through Summer and the light swarmed around her before vanishing. She groaned, holding herself in the darkness.

Summer GardenWhere stories live. Discover now