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There were two of them in the log cabin style house that the queen insisted on living in. It always surprised him that the queen sort out this kind of life. That she lived in a cabin in a garden, far from civilisation. Isolated from her own people. She had enough magic she could live in a floating palace above a metropolis, but she didn't seek that out. She didn't crave the attention and worship of her people. Yet, despite her isolated way of life, her people felt free to come and go, and to ask her to intervene in the petty events of their life. Janus wouldn't have tolerated it.

The assassin laid in the crook of the tree silently, unmoving watch the occupants.

The blonde-haired Fae was humming quietly to herself as she cooked some some of meat for the ghoul. It looked like it might have been obtained by hunting some of pests that inhabited the garden. Rodents of some kind, difficult to tell from just the flesh. The song she was humming caught his attention, and he almost found himself joining her, despite the needed precautions.

It was an ancient song, the kind that could easily get caught in your head, twisting round and round. It was about a young girl, living on the edge of the forest, who one day met a mortal human. Her mother warns her, and her father threatens her, but she runs away with the human, and they're happy for a time. But the man dies, and the girl is left alone in the human world, and they mistreat her. Eventually she starves to death, asking the gods to be reunited with her mortal. The gods don't hear her, because she is Fae. Her love is given an afterlife by the gods, but never forgets her.

A tragedy.

It seemed appropriate that she would bring it to mind, with the mortal here, and her feelings towards him as plain as day.

Rendi refocused as the mortal stood, trying to get Astrian to sit at the table as he limped towards the kitchen, trying to prepare a meal for her as well. It seemed the feelings between the two were at least somewhat mutual. That was curious, and potentially something they could exploit.

"Leaving would be the smart thing to do."

Rendi sighed, hearing the voice of the queen. He'd lasted longer than he'd expected. He turned and bowed, before vanishing with a swirl of black dust.

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