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Summer glared across the room, hands on her hips, "Come here, now."

"No!" Came a hiss, followed by a thrown pillow. Summer glared, and the pillow exploded with a puff of feathers, "Astrian! I will not ask you again!"

The Fae hissed from her perch atop of the couch, spreading her claws.

Summer pointed at an upside down bowl of leaves on the ground, "Now."

The Faeling growled angrily, sinking onto the ground slowly. She waddled across the ground, arms crossed.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, right before Astrian kicked the bowl.

She tensed up, biting back a hail of curse words, "Pick up the bowl, Astrian. That isn't how we express our anger."

A flood of angry and violent thoughts hit her face. Summer sighed heavily, crouching down, "Astrian. I know you're frustrated. You just need to put the bowl away."

The Faeling flooded her with my thoughts and emotions, attempting to overwhelm her. Summer tried very hard not to smile at the assault, who knew a Faeling could be this skilled with magic? She seemed to be picking things up faster this cycle.

Summer paused, waving a tracer spell quickly, and she winced, "Astrian?"

The Faeling cocked her head, her expression softening, "No?"

Summer frowned, examining the structures of her mind carefully, "Something is different about you, Astrian. You still have the mind of a Faeling... But... You've retained some memories of your previous life. How is that possible?"

"No?" Astrian asked, starting to looking afraid.

Summer patted her head gently, "You're okay. Just put the bowl away."

Astrian stamped a foot, hissing, "No!"

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