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Summer paused as she entered the main room, still adjusting her shirt.

She looked back and forth between the three, and then scratched her head, "What the heck is going on?"

Astrian was poised atop a couch, hissing and tossing nightmares from her skull towards Rendi, who was cowering in a corner, trying to cut his own throat, whilst the Fae she could have sworn was dead was struggling to hold onto the blade and get it away from him.

The not-so-dead-Fae winced, "Summer, can you please calm down that tiny Fae before this guy kills himself?"

Summer walked over, and flinched, pulling back her hand, "No, Astrian! No biting!"

The Faeling stuck out her tongue briefly and then turned back to attempting to melt the insides of Rendi's skull. She sighed heavily and picked up the squirming Faeling, blocking her magic with a quick and simple barrier spell. It didn't stop the fangs from sinking into her wrist as Astrian protested.

The newcomer yanked the blade aside, tossing it across the room, and breathed a sigh of relief, before turning slowly towards her.

Summer's heart skipped a beat.

The black eyes staring into her. There was no one else who looked at the world like that. It had to be. She didn't understand how. But it had to be him. "Trei."

He smiled nervously and scratched his head nervously, "Hey, Summer."

She glanced down at the manic Faeling in her arms lashing out, and smiled, "I think Astrian recognised you, too."

He cocked his head, "That's Astrian?"

Summer let the Faeling go, rubbing the bite mark, and the Faeling body slammed into him. He fell over, and the Faeling rubbed herself into him, wrapping around him, wings and all.

Summer sat on the couch slowly as she used some of her morning dust to heal her arm, staring at him. She couldn't take her eyes off him. That boyish smile. Those unending eyes. A whirlpool of darkness and hope for her soul. "Astrian... Died, bringing you back. This is her new life... But she seems to remember a few things. Like you."

Trei patted the Faeling on the head gently, surprising the young child, "I'm glad she's safe."

Summer shook her head, "How are you here, Trei?"

"I'm taking this body for a bit of a joy ride." He said, shrugging, "I... Found a way to... Untangle myself. From my old one."

The queen looked at him, tears welling in her eyes, "I couldn't find where Janus took you. I'm trying... All the realms are mobilising. Preparing for war."

"You'll get one." Trei winced and shook his head, his face a picture of a grim reality, "Janus wasn't the one. Well, he was... But he's dead now."

Astrian made a nervous crooning noise, and Trei rubbed her cheek, "It was a woman. Not a Fae. Something else. Pink haired."

Summer bared her fangs, "F'rir. Leader of the Fates."

He sighed heavily, "She tortured me, and killed Janus... I've... I'm not going back there."

Summer stood up, stepping towards him, but Astrian spun, wings flaring and hissing with claws raised. She paused, looking at him sadly, "Never again, Trei. I am never leaving you again."

He raised an eyebrow, looking at the Faeling, "She's... Still imprinted, isn't she?"

Summer shrugged awkwardly, "... Yeah. Probably. I did try and explain this stuff gets horrible. She'll learn to control it, but she's a babe. It'll take a while."

Trei laughed, "So that's why she attacked Rendi."

Summer giggled, looking at the rocking assassin, "Probably. She's always been good at messing with people's minds."

Trei stepped around the Faeling, grabbing her hands, "I've got you, Summer. We'll make this work. We'll survive this war."

Summer felt as if she was intoxicated. Her thoughts slowed to a crawl and breathing became difficult. She moved her hands apart, and pulled him towards her. His hands released hers, wrapping around her waist, holding her against him gently.

Her hand reached up and delicately touched his cheek, brushing it softly as she stared into those black eyes. The entire world seemed to fade away, and she barely felt the stab of agonising pain as Astrian's teeth latched onto her right wing. Trei leaned in, his forehead touching hers, and she sighed, breathing deeply. Her arms snaked around his neck gently, and she raised her face slowly.

"Gods damn it, Summer!" Came an angry yell, and the two spun. Summer's hands went behind her back and she looked down, blushing.

Trei coughed politely and tried to smile, "Hey, Luna."

"Don't you 'hey' me!" The Fae exploded, storming over, "Twice! You were going to kiss her, again!"

Summer looked up at her sister, swallowing her surprise and trying to bury her guilt, "He is my bride, sister."

Luna glared over at her, the aura around her a swirling storm of darkness, "Don't push me, Summer."

Trei scratched his head, "Luna... I know you came in a hurry and all... But I didn't need you to pay me back."

Summer smiled sweetly as her sister slowly realised what she had just done. "Forget something?"

Luna went bright red and dropped to the ground, covering herself with her wings. She muttered angrily, "Not my fault you interrupted my breakfast with your hot lover's affair."

Summer blushed, "It was not! Just a kiss!"

Luna just stuck out her tongue at her. There was a brief ripple of air and another Fae appeared, holding a bundle of clothes, "Um, mistress?"

Trei looked over at Summer, "Who's she?"

"Ah. Trei, this is Madam Claven. Currently serving a life sentence to my sister after trying to kill her on behalf of the Fates." Summer sneered, "Madam Claven, this is my bride."

The Fae bobbed nervously, before stepping in front of Luna and shielding her from view with her wings. "So they got you back then, master?"

Summer rubbed her face with frustration, "Would everyone else get out?"

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