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The spear moved around her in an endless blur, dancing as if it were unwielded, a mind all of its own. Arrows and swords meant nothing. Dislodged before the attackers could even approach her. Hands meant nothing. She detached them before the knight could even understand that they were under attack. Before the human could comprehend that this was not a war, nor even a battle. She was the Guardian of Alfheimr. A knight was a toy. A plaything to be discarded. She had grown beyond toys, she left those behind a long time ago.

She turned, looking in surprise at the crystal melting back into water and falling from the sky. A paladin. A holy knight capable of drawing upon the magic of a god. Humans felt there was a difference between the power of a god, and the power wielded by lesser races. There was some truth to it - magic was stolen from the gods. It had been developed, and understood, and grown separately.

The power of the gods had stagnated.

The elf's ears flawed back to the side of her head as she launched forward, the ground exploding beneath her feet. The paladin's blade moved slowly, attempting to rise to block a frontal attack. She caught the sword in her teeth, her extended fangs wrapping around it and she snapped it, tossing it sideways. The paladin pulled away as the helmet was cut open by the force of the blow. She landed on a single toe, rotating briefly in the air, before the spear moved through the mortal as if they didn't exist. She shattered bone, tore flesh and snapped sinew.

The elf turned away as the remains of what might have been considered a living person fell to the ground as the rest of them spread out into the battlefield behind them.

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