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"Ash!" Luna screamed going bright red for a moment before she collapsed.

Claven wrapped her wings around her, and Luna smiled over at her similarly red face as the two just sat there breathing hard for a moment.

"So." Luna managed.

Claven traced a finger across her stomach, "You're a screamer."

Luna was happy her face was already flushed, and then winced. "Oh crap. Everyone heard, didn't they?"

The redhead buried her head into the couch, "Oh."

Luna smiled playfully, "I guess I can't call you Faeling, anymore."

"Clothes, milady." Came the deadpan intonations of Enri, and Luna glared as she tilted her head back to see who was behind her, "Enri!"

The Fae butler's mouth twitched into a smile for a moment, gone so quickly she wasn't sure it was there. He indicated the shredded black dress lying nearby, "I thought it would be unfortunate if you lacked appropriate attire. Have I overstepped?"

"You watched." Luna growled angrily, glaring, and the butler said nothing. No attempt to defend or deflect. The bastard had actually watched. Well. He was certainly out of a job then. She might be convinced to let him live, considering how long he'd served her. Maybe. "Go, away."

The butler stepped into the shimmering air, back to her realm. Luna quickly sat up, snatching the dress from beside the couch and yanking it over her head. She glanced over at Claven who was sitting up, and covering herself awkwardly. Luna sighed, "I bet he's watching again."

Claven shrugged. Luna wanted to kick herself. The woman was feeling out of sorts. Not like her dress was in better condition. She needed some clothes, and Luna had acted to protect herself first. She wanted this to work. She wanted Claven to feel like the most important thing in her life.

Luna snapped her fingers, and a black and white dress covered in ruffles shot from down the hallway, she held it out gently, "I had this made for the wedding. I'm not sure of the fit, but maybe..."

Claven smiled taking it as she trailed off, "You still don't know my sizes? After that?"

Luna blushed, "I was thinking about other things."

Claven grinned broadly as she slipped the dress on, "I'm not sure I was thinking. Not enough time for that."

The princess raised an eyebrow, "Came out of our shell a bit."

"You're going to regret kissing me."

Luna grabbed her and leaned her over, planting a kiss. The hunger in her chest stirred and she found herself sitting on the couch, Claven's arms around her, making out.

Claven broke the kiss. "I guess not. But I'm guessing the others might be a tad..."

Luna laughed, smiling at her, "I think we both need a shower. And the room needs to air."

She rolled her red eyes and stood up, "I guess."

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