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Janus raised an eyebrow as he looked at the bill being proposed to the Council. "A stay? You already declared your intention, my lady. Is that not enough for this Council? Why do you now hesitate? Do you not love this mortal who you have declared to be your soulmate?"

The queen across from him bristled angrily, but spoke calmly, "Lady Astrian is assisting the mortal in rebinding his soul to his flesh. It would give her time to ensure he was longer rotting during the ceremony."

Janus noticed the other Council members react immediately. It was true that a mortal showing such disgusting attributes would make it harder to ensure calm during the ceremony. However, Janus didn't want calm during the ceremony. He wanted the people to doubt the queen. To consider whether or not she should be leading them. He wanted her authority to vanish. Making the mortal more palatable to the average person wasn't particularly in his interests. Upon which, if the soul was rebound correctly, the mage would be more unlikely to find the mortal and go hunting for him.

The Arbiter shrugged, "I see no reason to consider a delay. It would be best to bind your union quickly, and then you can focus on the unusual demands that his state of existence present."

"A vote." A voice came tiredly, and Janus glanced over at the usually silent Luna, who was still lying on the table in her usual position, face hidden by her white hair. However, she apparently wasn't asleep like usual. She was right, of course. No amount of debate would solve this problem, yet she was undercutting his ability to present an argument to the Council and gain further support. It was highly unusual for the princess to involve herself in the affairs of state.

The vote went round the room, tallying. It was an overwhelming majority. Unfortunately Janus hadn't had the opportunity to present his argument and convince the others. A stay of exactly one day was granted. That was irritating.

As the Council members began to move out of the room, he crossed the floor to where the tired princess was lurching upright, "Can I have a moment of your time, Lady Luna?"

"No." She replied, barely acknowledging his presence, "I interrupted a meeting to be here, and they're going to be pissed."

Janus raised an eyebrow, "Truly? With whom does the illustrious Luna meet? I did not believe you involved yourself in the management of your sister's realm."

She turned and glared at him, "Back off, Janus. Send your spies after me, and you'll regret it. Pick a fight with me, and I'll kill you. I am not in the mood for your games."

That was Luna. Brash, rude, and forgetting of her place. However, she was correct. He would simply send a spy to determine with whom she would be meeting. He bowed and waved a hand, "I will seek you at a later date."

The Fae angrily turned and moved through the wall of reality.

Janus wondered what it was exactly that she was plotting, along with her sister. The two had to be cooperating in some misguided attempt to undermine him. He wondered what had spurred Luna into supporting the queen, and if he could use it to make her regret her action.

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