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"It really was a mistake, on your part." Vastras yawned, looking at the fragile corpse lying on its knees in front of her. "You leaped into the first thing you could find a connection to. You didn't check before you did. It's my blood inside that thing. I restored it."

She patted Trei's old body on the head gently, and crouched in front of it, "I think, Summer, it is time for you to give up your connection to the lifestream, don't you? You can't stop me. Your realm is nothing but flames. By now, Trei is among the dead. Where he belongs. I sent a hundred paladins and ten thousands knights into your home. Give up on it."

The corpse didn't say anything. She probably couldn't. The instincts of the ghoul were still in control, the queen had just hitched a ride and got stuck with a madman at the reins. Vastras smiled, "Well, if you won't willingly give up, I guess I just need to make you, then."

She wandered over to her workspace, hands drifting over the crystals she had kept there. Stored magic. Unaffected by the slowly destabilising environment. Weapons, tools, prepared for moments like these. She held up a small blue crystal, lifting it up to the light, "I just want the end of magic, Summer. I don't understand why you keep trying to stand in the way. It isn't like your life was that great to begin with. If I hadn't created Trei, would you still cling on in this stubborn way?"

She put the crystal down and picked up another black one, holding it up, "Magic will be destroyed. The gods will destroy each other. Everyone gets what they want. The Fae will be cut off from everywhere else, finally getting their isolation. No more mortals in their way. The elves will be able to watch on for eternity. You should be thanking me. Janus is dead, and will never be a problem for you again. Yio and F'rir are dead and out of the way, never again to interfere in your life. Sarin will have her hands full containing the other celestials, too busy to concern herself with making your life difficult like she has for the last few hundred years."

She turned, holding out the crystal, "This is a baby night terror. I'm afraid I've neglected it, so it is a bit... Ravenous. Shall we see what happens if I let it loose on your mind? Will you let go of life then? Return to the lifestream?"

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