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Summer raised an eyebrow at her sister as she stepped through the doorway.

Luna gestured tiredly from where she was lying upside down on the couch, "Lady Summer, Madam Claven. The Fates sent her to kill me."

The timid creature dropped to her knees and buried her face in the floorboards. Summer stared at her in shock, and scratched her head awkwardly, "Yeah... Luna? I need your help with something."

The Fae sighed and flipped upright, "What is it?"

Summer handed her a cloth bag, "These are some of the crystals the good doctor dug out of me. They should be fully charged."

Luna sniffed, "Ew. You had these embedded in you?"

"Still do." Summer sighed heavily, "I'm... Not going to survive, Luna. Cutting off my realm... It really was too much. My body has started attacking the replacement parts, and as that also includes stuff like my heart, my lungs and my brain, I'm fairly screwed."

Luna looked up at her in surprise, "Wait... You're dying? Really?"

She shrugged, "It can't be helped." Internally she was screaming, crying and throwing herself against every surface in the building. It wasn't fair. She was about to lose it all, just because she tried to save Trei.

The white-haired Fae smiled, "Aha. So, these... Crystals."

"You're going to use them." Summer grinned, "To set a trap. They have my essence, so make me the bait."

Luna drummed her fingers idly, "Who is the trap for? I don't think Janus is going to come hunting. He has what he wants. We can't make him come to us."

"For the Fates." Summer replied, "Those bastards are doing something. Trying to separate me and Trei... So make it a tracer spell. Make it look like I'm trying to break down the dimensional walls between me and him. That I don't care what damage I do, I'm trying to get him back."

Luna laughed, "Just like Vastras tried."

Summer nodded, "If I'm right, the Fates will intervene."

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