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He rubbed his eyes tiredly as the light streamed into the room. He could smell a nearby fire, and her.

His heart took a punch. Summer was gone.

This was her home, and it didn't feel right with her gone, but here, under the blanket and in the morning light, he could almost believe she was still here. He squeezed his eyes shut, sobbing silently as the tears streamed down his face. He couldn't even pretend.

His thoughts were an endless spiral, looking at her face, so happy and free, and then... She was gone. Lying face down, bleeding. Vastras crouched beside her, holding her heart.

Trei rolled over and punched the bed in frustration. There was an explosion of feathers, and he heard someone coughing.

He sat up, looking around in embarrassment, but didn't see anything. He frowned and looked up slowly in confusion and his eyes widened in surprise.

Alphege was lying on one of the rafters, coughing and waving her hand at the feathers. Her eyes were dull, and her blonde hair had changed to a motley brown. The elf yawned tiredly, and looked down at him, "Huh. So this was your room?"

Trei blushed, suddenly aware he was topless and yanked the blanket up around him, "Eh... Yeah."

She looked pointedly at the bed, "Nice temper you have there."

He winced, looking away.

There was a solid thud as the elf dropped onto the floor, and she stretched, her loose-fitting white shirt and pants revealing nothing, thankfully. Trei had walked in on too many naked women at this point, he was glad of some modesty.

The elf picked up a solid breastplate from the floor, and put it across her shoulders, "Mind tightening the straps for me?"

Trei stood up awkwardly, quickly pulling on his shirt, but not delaying to button it, and walked over pulling on the leather straps.

"Tighter." Alphege laughed, "I'm not made of glass."

He cinched it some more, spying the crease marks and locked the straps in place. "Is that thing heavy?"

Alphege shrugged, turning around and pulling on her vambraces, tightening each with a pull of her teeth, "Wouldn't make much sense if they weren't."

She slung her spear across her back and smiled, "There we go, all dressed."

Trei frowned, uncertain whether to ask, and the elf raised an eyebrow, "Speak up, mortal."

"Your hair."

Alphege pulled a strand in front of her eyes and sighed heavily, "Oh."

Trei fumbled as he began doing up the buttons on his shirt, "It means something?"

"Magic problems." Alphege replied esoterically.

She punched his shoulder lightly, only mildly bruising him, and walked out into the hallway, "Get a move on, mortal. We have work to do."

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