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Trei grabbed Summer's shoulders as she slumped. He held her tight, begging her to stay alive silently. He didn't dare to speak, he was barely holding back the flood of tears. He'd heard what the Fae had said.

Astrian was dead as well.

There was only Summer left, now.


Trei glared up at the black-eyed Fae as he entered the empty arena, "It seems that Summer has done as instructed, and given up the lifestream for you, boy. She has used the last of her power, the last of the lifestream. She's nothing now. An echo that will soon fade and be forgotten. Let her go, Trei. You will find yourself a lot happier if you forget her. Her death had to be."

"Back off."

Tyr rolled his eyes, "Really? That's the best you have for me? I need Summer to die, so I can be free. It is going to happen. You don't get a say in the matter. You are nothing. Truly and utterly, nothing. I, however, have a reason to fight. I want to be free. Do you know who did this to me, Trei? Who tried to resurrect me and got me trapped between the living and the dead for millennia?"

Trei knew the answer. It was obvious enough.

Tyr paced back and forth, "Yes. Summer. That bitch trapped me for eternity. True, she did try and help for a time. By which I mean she cared for about three of her lifetimes. But she stopped trying. Stopped caring. She moved on, whilst I endured torture for eternity. If her dying frees me, there is no guilt to be had. So, as a bystander I don't care if you die or not, but you will not stand in my way."

Summer reached up a frail hand to Trei, stroking his cheek, "Run."


She pushed herself upright shakily, "I said run, idiot."

Tyr waved a hand, "Better do what she says, boy."

Trei clenched his fists, "I've already told you, Summer. I'm never leaving you."

The air snapped, and Trei raised his hands, barely keeping upright as the gust of wind hit him like a brick wall, followed by an almighty boom that had his ears ringing. He winced, holding one of his ears as he looked in front of him.

Tyr was standing there tiredly, holding Summer by the throat, her neck broken in his hand. The remnants of the ghoul were turning to ash and floating up into the air, whilst the light that showed who she was... It was fading away.

He'd done it.

Tyr had killed her, before either of them could react.

Trei screamed and ran forward, punching and kicking. He grabbed debris and hurled it.

Not a single hit struck home. Tyr didn't block any of the attacks, he simply was in a different place by the time they landed.

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