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She frowned, feeling strange.

It was surprising.

She hadn't been expecting to feel anything at all, let alone as if she were floating in sunlight, the aura around her growing and wrapping around her.

She felt her eyes open slowly, and held up her hands in the rays of light. She thought she cocked an eyebrow, but considering the skin on her arms was still forming over the flesh and bones, she could not be certain. She couldn't tell where she was yet, her vision was blurred, and tapered off from a very short distance.

The ground rose up, touching her feet, and the light vanished.

Yio collapsed forward onto her face with a violent thud. She moaned, dragging her tired and weak arms up, but she might as well not have. She couldn't push herself upright at all. She was too weak. It was absolutely pathetic.

"Yes, you are."

She looked upright, through the sun-streaked vision, and rubbed her ear, "Still a bit tinny. Is that you, Sarin?"

"Yes, sister." The eldest replied, "I thought it was about time to bring you back. I can't believe you let Summer kill you."

Yio pushed with all her strength and rolled onto her back, closing her newborn eyes, "I had to preserve the treaty. They're going to need our help, soon. That battle is... Unusual."

"Fixed, but unfixed." Sarin replied, "The battle must happen, but the outcome is unclear, and most outcomes are undesirable. You will play a role, as will I. The only lacking is F'rir, but her death is yet unchanged. We cannot risk restoring her, not with the mage keeping a hold of her essence."

Yio sighed, tiredly lifting an arm into the sky, which immediately dropped and hit her in the face, "I have a tough time seeing how I'm going to be able to assist."

Sarin laughed, "Assist? Sister you are walking chaos. You never help. You stormed off naked to see one of the most powerful and important creatures in the 'verses because you were jealous he got himself a girlfriend."

Yio ground her flat teeth. Her sister was right, of course. She was incredibly jealous. She wanted Trei all for herself, even though she knew it was beyond impossible. After all, she had predicted her own death, and the next she knew would happen was his.

"Do they know Summer survived?" Yio asked guardedly, and Sarin scoffed, "Survived? The queen was killed. Her heart carved out."

Yio grinned, "Ooh. I know something you don't know, doo dah, doo dah! I know something Sarin doesn't, doo dah day!"

Her sister's shadow stretched over her, and Yio grinned, "Seriously, did you not notice?"

"What did the queen do, Yio!?" Sarin demanded angrily, and Yio waved a hand tiredly, "Her soul kinda skipped ship. She needed a body in a hurry, and she knew where to find one that didn't mind a dead soul."

Sarin stepped on her arm painfully, "Explain, Yio. If Summer screws with my plans again, I might just start this timeline over."

Yio winced, "Ow. Easy. Summer just found Trei's corpse. Technically, his second corpse after I knocked him out of the first and Summer disassembled it when building the second."

Sarin relaxed, "Ah. Then there isn't a problem. The mortals are about to kill that one."

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