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Summer breathed in deeply, sighing as she felt the light pass over her face. The light struck her skin, breaking apart as it struck the tiny crystals within it, forming the dust that covered her. Rejuvenated her.

Her wings twitched behind her, anxious to unfurl. They were feeling on the edge of cramping.

She sighed and slid forward onto the floor, stretching her wings. She lay there, her face buried in the floor, and sighed heavily. Being a grown up sucked. She wouldn't mind starting over again sometime soon. It'd cause problems, but at least she'd get a solid five years of just playing with toys and laughing.

Summer flatlined as the memories came back.

Luna dying by her hand.

Tyr gloating as he killed her.

She'd died. Actually died. Her body and her soul had been ripped apart, into the smallest fragments. Magic itself had been utterly destroyed. None of this made any sense. She could feel the sunlight on her skin, feel the dust forming on her and falling to the ground.

Summer pulled herself upright, wrapping her wings around herself, and she shuffled over to the window, and glanced out from behind the curtains.

She went white as she saw the destruction.

Her garden was dead.

The trees and bushes were char-grilled, the ground was torn apart by the footfalls of many. She'd seen enough battlefields to recognise one. Something horrific had happened here.

So it wasn't a dream. She'd already known it, but she'd hoped it.

Trei was gone.

If Tyr had killed her... Then Trei was dead. He would have attacked. And Tyr would have killed him for the insult.

She stood up, trying not to cry, and pulled on the first dress she grabbed. She moved outside quietly, trying to focus herself. To forget that she'd lost the one thing that mattered to her. It hadn't been that long ago that dealing with mortals was one of the most hated part of her day. That she'd unleashed a flurry of curses after realising she'd accidentally resurrected a mortal.

But to keep living... Without Trei... It...

She wasn't sure she could do it.

Summer shook her head, trying to stop the tears. She grabbed hold of the lifestream, of the magic. She had work to do. Repairing the garden. If she could stay focused on that, then she would be okay.

Summer GardenWhere stories live. Discover now