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Summer opened her eyes tiredly, and sank further into her cocoon. She had no wish to get up today. Wedding planning, a meeting with angry miners and trying to teach a cursed mortal how to fit in with one of the most xenophobic cultures that exist. It was all work, stress and effort. She didn't want to. She wished she could sprinkle some dust and make the whole problem vanish. But she knew the world didn't work that way. Actions have consequences.

Her wings twitched behind her, anxious to unfurl. They were feeling on the edge of cramping.

She sighed and slid forward onto the floor, stretching her wings. She lay there, her face buried in the floor, and sighed heavily. Being a grown up sucked. She wouldn't mind starting over again sometime soon. It'd cause problems, but at least she'd get a solid five years of just playing with toys and laughing.


She glared up at the butler standing over her, "Astrian. I thought you were off for another week."

The woman sighed politely, "Those were your instructions, madam. Unfortunately several things have come to my attention. One is that you are living with a ghoul. The second is that you intend to marry it. And the third is that the ghoul is unaware of our laws."

Summer pushed up onto her knees, and glared, "I asked for alone time with my future husband. I don't think your presence here would assist."

Astrian rolled her eyes slowly, "My Lady. I am aware that you have not participated in carnal relations with the dead. I am here to assist in the creature's transition."

Summer cocked her head, "Transition?"

"The body is dead, but the soul is not." Astrian said slowly as she began to open the wardrobe and select clothing, "Thus, it is possible to return life to the flesh. Making the creature less revolting and allowing you both to explore your romance in a way that does not belong in a graveyard. It would also give myself opportunity to educate the creature on appropriate behaviours towards you and this realm."

Summer pouted. It was a good idea. And if anyone could help bring Trei's body back, it would be her. That would make things a lot less awkward. He was beginning to seriously stink.

She glanced at the clothes in front of her and her eyes widened, "Yeah... You're aware I have held his hand exactly once, right?"

Astrian covered a laugh behind her hand, "Apologies my lady."

"Every time I touch him I get damned visions of the future." She said standing up and grabbing a more modest bra, "To be frank, it's irritating."

Astrian stiffened, "So he really is fated for you, and you for him. That is... Surprising."

Summer shrugged, "There's other reasons that could explain it. He could be a nexus for all we know. He's mortal, and the moment he died I just fluked a resurrection? That's just plain weird."

Astrian sighed, "But it means his soul is important. He could not die if he intended it, fate is twisting reality to preserve him. If the fates have driven the two of you together, then no force or act can deny it."

Summer finished dragging her dress over her head and slipping her wings through the back, "Maybe. Not everything I see is good."

Astrian shrugged, "Not all fates are good. Destiny is never kind. However, all who fight destiny do nothing but invite it. I shall prepare breakfast in a moment. Perhaps it would be best if you wake him?"

Summer nodded, slipping on a knee-high boot, "Probably... Eh... You're aware he's a carnivore, right?"

"Yes." Astrian shivered, "But I can accept that."

"Humans like cooked flesh. Apparently." Summer said, feeling distaste, "They can't eat most plants."

Astrian frowned, "That is... Odd."

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