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Janus' head spun as a burst of flames filled the room. The assassin patted themselves out and glared at him, "Lady Luna is in a meeting with the Fates, sir."

He could hear the anger in the man's voice, and he couldn't really blame them. That the Fates had allowed the man to live was surprising. However, he was replaceable, as were all under the lord's care. Best not to let the servants get ideas about what was reasonable and what was not.

"I see."

The assassin sighed, "I have a message, from our first. He is currently in the human realm, tracking the mage for you. Apparently she tore a hole in the queen's realm this morning. It appears she is also besotted with this dead mortal."

Janus frowned. That was surprising. His alarms hadn't gone off. "Do you know how this incursion went unnoticed?"

"No, sir." The man replied, "It was noticed by the inhabitants of the realm, but did not trigger any proximity warnings that we can determine."

That was concerning. It meant the mortal had ripped open a hole into a realm without having to tunnel between the human world and the Faen realms. A new pathway, one Janus hadn't discovered, had been used. He thought he'd found them all a long time ago. "Inform the first that this mage is too much of a danger. Execute her."

The man nodded, and then faded into the shadows.

Janus turned and looked at his fire. It would have been the easiest solution to his problems, but he had other ways and opportunities yet. Why had Summer sent Luna to the Fates? Was she having doubts about the mortal? No one would be able to tell him. The Fates could not be spied on, and they couldn't be bribed or charmed, and not even the Arbiter could choose to visit them without significant cause. Only the Queen could seek them out of her own volition, or send someone on her behalf.

That was unfortunate. He disliked not knowing.

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