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Summer dropped onto the couch glumly as the assassin left, and glared at her sister and the weird woman with her. She had nearly had her first real kiss with Trei. Not stolen because one of them was about to die. He had gone to kiss her, to show her he cared. That it wasn't just a twist of fate, that he really did have feelings for her, despite everything she'd done.

Instead her jealous sister had to turn up, all fired up.

It really didn't help that Trei quite clearly though that Luna was adorable when she was angry. The man would have to learn to keep his emotions in check if he was going to stay in the Faen realms, instead of wearing his heart so openly. He would also have to learn not to think about another woman when she was still in the room. She knew it was probably instinctual and that Trei might not even be aware that he was attracted to Luna, but it did make her want to kill her.

The feeling was probably mutual... But Trei was hers. Luna would just have to suck it up.

The dark princess sat down slowly opposite her, warming her hands on the fire, "If you think I'm going, forget it."

Trei looked from one to the other, "Luna..."

The Fae glanced at him terror, "Please don't."

He sighed, and put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, "You know this isn't about choice. It's just how it is."

Luna vanished with a popping sound, quickly followed by her new slave.

Summer winced, "Ouch."

Trei sat down next to her, leaning on his knees, "She's crying now, isn't she?"

"Or killing someone." Summer tried to reassure him, badly, and the man groaned and ran a hand through his new hair, pausing as he looked at his hand, "This is starting to look more like me, isn't it?"

She shrugged. As much as something in her craved him she hadn't studied every inch of his old body. Being in the same room with the rotting stink pile had been a problem at times.

Trei turned his gaze to her and Summer felt herself melt inside. When he looked at her like that... She would do anything for him. Anything at all. She doubted he knew just how much control he had over her, or how much a hint of rejection would hurt.

He grabbed her hand in the calloused hands of the assassin, "I'm with you, now and always."

She squeezed back, unable to speak, her throat suddenly dry. Trei had done some serious growing up whilst he was away. No more the naive mortal. There was something stronger about him... But he was still the same slightly awkward man. Just... Better.

Trei stood up suddenly, and smiled at her, "So, got a towel for me? I'm sure this guy stinks about as bad as the last one. Death is terrible like that."

Summer flushed red as a dozen thoughts ran through her head, and she stood up, a towel appearing in one hand, "Come on. I've got something to show you."

She lead him out into the garden, down the winding trail behind the small cottage and to where the waterfall was roaring. She dropped the towel on the ground and grinned over at him, "Don't get lost."

Then she turned and dove through the waterfall, tumbling as she hit the mud on the other side. She stood up, shaking her wings with a buzz just as Trei came crashing in beside her.

She looked over at him, noticing instantly that his wings were gone. He really was becoming more human.

Trei stood up tiredly, looking around at the quiet and still cave, and the blue waters sitting there pooled, "This is kinda beautiful."

Summer grinned and put an arm around him, leaning into him, "It took me a while to get it right, but this is my favourite part of the garden."

He placed his wet arm around her shoulders, squeezing tight.

They stood there for a moment, just letting themselves be.

Her heart thumped as she thought about it. She'd been planning to do this for a long time. She wanted to do it. She didn't think Trei would freak out or reject her... But all the same, her body had entered fight or flight mode.

Summer walked over to the edge of one of the pools, took a deep breath and reached up for one of her shoulder straps. She felt Trei's hand on hers and froze. His other hand went around her waist, holding her against him as he breathed quietly, and Summer relaxed against him. "You know you don't have to one-up Luna, right?"

Summer flushed red and nearly stamped her foot. "This has nothing to do with her."

Trei breathed in sharply, and nearly whispered, "Sorry."

She leaned her into him and sighed heavily, "I know. Our life is complicated."

His hands grasped her shoulders and turned her around, and she looked up into those empty eyes of his. Those swirling whirlpools of nothingness that ate away inside her, breaking her down and setting her free.

Summer reached up and grabbed his head from behind and pulled it towards her.

Her scent filled the air as Trei bent towards Summer, not resisting the firm grip on his skull. She was soft, as their lips merged. The quiet peace between them evaporated and Trei felt her tongue dance towards his. He fenced with her briefly, before tracing the sharp points of her teeth. His arms around her tightened, pulling her against him.

Trei felt a soft breeze blow, as Summer's legs wrapped around his waist. She didn't seem to weigh anything at all, and he could feel her wings moving softly against his arms.

A shock passed through Trei. He tried to gasp, but nothing emerged. He dimly heard Summer scream and felt her falling away from him as something rose up and struck him in the back of the head.

Summer GardenWhere stories live. Discover now