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Yio looked up from her lounge in surprise as the figure materialised.

She'd never expected to see him here.

He stretched tiredly and relaxed backwards, a chair appearing under him as he fell, "This is a nice place, Yio."

The pink-haired woman blushed, sitting up slowly and half the naked paintings vanishing from the room, "Thanks."

"You taught me a lot." Trei yawned, stretching, "Taught me enough. You and your sisters. Taught me how to choose the path."

Yio smiled sadly, "It isn't over. It's going to be rough, living with them. Living inside time with them. Your will shapes the universe, Trei. Are you sure you can be with them?"

"Nope." Trei shrugged, "I'm not sure of anything, except that I've chosen Summer. She will be my bride, and I will be hers."

Yio felt a surge of jealousy, and her heart ache. She couldn't tell him how much she hated what he was saying. She held up her wrist, the red thread still tangled around it, "What about this, Trei?"

The man sighed, leaning forward on his knees, "What is it?"

Yio blinked for a moment. Then she almost cried.

He really had no idea, did he?

"It's... Yours." She said delicately, "You wrapped it around me. I can't break it. It's a red thread of fate. A binding of two souls, together."

Trei winced, "Oh. Crap. So you really do like me then."

Yio glared at him, "Cut the damn thing off."

"It doesn't work that way." Trei smiled glumly, "And you know it. You have to hate me for that to work... Do you, Yio? Do you hate me?"

She looked away from him, pouting.

Of course she didn't hate him. She'd interfered in the course of events for him. She'd ended up dying for him in a poor attempt to protect what he cared about. She loved him, heart and soul. Even if she knew he didn't care about her at all. He liked her, sure enough. Was even attracted to her. But there was only one person that Trei actually loved. Only one person he could see himself spending eternity with.

Trei stood up, "Well, I just came to thank you, Yio. I'd have brought a gift, but I have no idea what a Fate would want."

Yio felt her ears turn the same colour as her hair as she looked over at him nervously, "You could ask."

The black-eyed man looked at her dumbly, "There's something you want? Name it."

"I know I can't have you..." Yio started nervously, standing up slowly, "But... Can I... One... A..."

Trei smiled at her, "A kiss?"

Yio nodded quickly, biting her lip.

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