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Yio saw her aura flashed, as she felt the tug on the thread of fate wrapped around her wrist. She could feel Trei's bewilderment. His rise of hope and happiness. The clenched and unclenched her hands angrily. Summer knew others were tied to this mortal, and she just waltzed in and kissed him and then went off to die.

None of that was okay.

F'rir raised an eyebrow from where she was lounging, "And what, pray tell, do you think you're doing?"

"Screw you." Yio replied, sticking out her tongue. With the kind of ripple that had just moved through reality, she knew her sister had seen the change in the timelines. All of them. Trei had somehow consolidated so many of the fragile 'verses into one with a fixed event. Summer kissing him was fixed. An inevitability in all the timelines. It had happened everywhere at once.

So this was his choice, then.

Just one kiss, and he decided who it was he would be with for the rest of eternity. Or at least the eternities where he survived the coming cascade of events. It wasn't fair, and it wasn't sensible and... And she was jealous. Mindbogglingly jealous. She could find herself comparing herself to Summer. Her curves were nicer, or at least she thought they were. She was proud of the form she'd crafted for herself. It distracted men everywhere. It had made going down to the mortal plane ridiculously easy. If she wanted a tumble, she just had to show up and they would all do exactly what she told them.

She had a feeling that this mortal who had wrapped a tendril of fate around her damn wrist wouldn't even notice her.

She'd have to do something drastic to get his attention.

Something to make him focus on her, and forget Summer. She'd have to do something about Summer as well. Self-sacrifice was a worthy aim and all, but the celestials couldn't deal with a power vacuum just now. Things were tense enough. A murder wouldn't have the same effect. If you sacrifice yourself, nobody feels guilty for stepping in and stealing your power. If someone killed you... Everyone would hesitate. They'd want to talk things out first.

F'rir sighed heavily, "So, you've made up your mind, then."

Yio nodded curtly, and dropped her dress, stepping out of it and stretching, "I think this really is the best way forward."

"I don't think Sarin would agree."

Yio glared, "And are you going to stop me then, sister?"

The other pink-haired woman rubbed one of her ribbed ears and sighed, "I don't think that would accomplish much. I have a better alternative. This is the only time you can see the mortal. Never again."

Yio felt her heart drop, "Unless he joins us willingly, here."

F'rir tapped her chin, "That is... Acceptable. Do you really think he will?"

She shrugged, suddenly feeling less confident and excited. "There are so many fixed events ahead of him now... But he can change them. I just hope to teach him that. That he can decide the outcome of all of this, if he would just stop and think."

F'rir smiled grimly, "I think I will regret this, but... Go. Go have your moment of fun with the mortal. Make him blush and squirm in a room full of women who adore his existence."

Yio yanked on the ribbon around her wrist angrily, "You think I like this? It was never a choice."

"You will." F'rir replied, "You will adore him."

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