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Bare toes felt the grass underfoot as the touched the moist soil. Cold air filled her lungs as she moved quietly through the damp garden, looking around herself in awe. She could remember when this place was nothing more than a desert, a worthless realm where no life could survive. She had laughed when the little spark had embraced it as her lot... She'd stopped laughing when saw saw the first flower bud a week later.

It was good to be back here.

A knife exploded into dust in front of her face, and she turned, picking a small yellow flower from a nearby tree and tucking it into her hair. She smiled as a bee buzzed in front of her for a moment. She turned and began walking towards the small little wooden hut. Flames and ice encircled her before turning to smoke and steam. She paused by the doorway to the house, glancing over her shoulder at the desperate assassin, "Coming, Rendi?"

The sweating and exhausted black-haired Fae stared at her in astonishment, "What are you?"

She shrugged, turning back as the door opened itself for her, "I would have thought that'd be obvious, even to something as dense as a Fae."

Her feet stepped onto the warm wooden floor, and she smiled, savouring the texture. Old wood, very old. It was gnarled and knotted, and seemed to echo tales from the dawn of the realm. It whispered her name, the name of the one who had created it. It whispered urgently of the danger for the one it loved. She walked forward slowly, turning and smiling as she saw the three waiting for her.

One was broken, half-healed, and held a deep hatred in her heart.

Another was attempting to carve out her heart and throw it away.

The last was alone, hurting and confused, and not at all understanding the path that was set before him.

She couldn't help but smile at them. They were brilliant. Each and every one of them. She was proud of what they had accomplished so far, and proud of what they would do in the time that had not yet passed. They were the key to achieving the dreams she had barely dared to hope, and they didn't even know just how strong they really were.

She curtsied, "Greetings."

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