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She glared at her pink-haired sister, and put a platter of food on the table between them. There was a tense moment, as they eyed each other off, fingers flexing.

Yio darted, grabbing her chopsticks and went to grab something and her eyes went wide with disappointment.

F'rir smiled at her victoriously, "Too slow."

Yio crossed her arms, pouting. "I went to all the trouble of luring a master chef here from the mortal world, and you always go and eat everything he makes. It isn't easy getting all the ingredients he wants to exist here."

F'rir rolled her eyes, revealing a glamour spell and the intact platter, "You are so easy to tease, Yio."

Yio picked up one of the rice balls and delicately put it in her mouth. Exploring the sweet explosion of flavours as it melted.

The older sister sighed, looking at her own, "You never share. What are you going to try and tempt me to do?"

Yio winced, "It's... This situation in the Evening Realms. The mortal."

"Who has you twisted six ways to Sunday around his dead little finger." F'rir growled, "You cannot go anywhere near him. You don't have fantastic self control at the best of times, little one. If you got too close, you'd try and jump him. And the worlds really don't need the birth of a new celestial, let alone one with a mortal heritage."

Yio flushed red, picturing the man without a top on. She really didn't need that imagine jammed into her head. She knew she wanted to jump him. Didn't mean it was going to happen. There were other things, more important things than the sound of his voice saying her name. Yio's face hit her palm, and she tried to breathe. "I have... Other concerns."

F'rir nodded as she picked up an unhealthily thick slice of fish, "Agreed. But I don't see how we can do anything about it."

Yio buried a squeal as she tasted the fried chicken, and then looked at her sister, "We can't do nothing. The balance is already disturbed. If he continues as he is, then everything will become... Unwound."

F'rir winced, "Sure. However, did you notice whose fate he got tangle with first?"

"Summer." Yio pouted.

Her sister grinned at her, "Now, now. Jealousy is not becoming of a goddess, and you are more than that."

Yio stuck out her tongue at her, and picked up a blade of grass and twirled it, "The treaty."

"Yes." F'rir cautioned, "So you are not getting involved. You're going to block yourself from checking in on him. If you don't, I might just let Summer know she has competition. I'm sure she'd love to know that a Fate is interested in her boyfriend, too."

Yio coughed nervously, "Yeah. That would go down well."

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